National Action Plan Against Racism
From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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The Government recognises the importance of meaningful action to address racism and its impacts in Ireland. A whole-of-Government approach is required to achieve this, as racism is a cross-cutting issue that necessitates action by Government, public bodies, private bodies, communities and individuals.
The National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR) was developed by a wholly independent Anti-Racism Committee, which was appointed by the then Minister for Justice and Equality, Charles Flanagan, in June 2020. This Committee had a mandate to review current evidence and practice, strengthening the Government’s approach to combating individual and structural racism. Following an extensive consultation and an iterative development process, the NAPAR was submitted to Government in March 2023 and launched on 21 March, the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
It is intended that the NAPAR will have a significant positive impact on all minority ethnic communities in Ireland, and includes, but is not limited to racism that impacts on Travellers, as well as anti-Muslim prejudice and anti-Semitism. The development of the plan was informed by particular experiences of racism, including racism experienced by People of African Descent, Asians and Roma, as well as migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Individual actions in the plan do not make reference to specific minority ethnic groups. Each action should be understood to encompass all individuals and groups experiencing racism.
The plan, which is being implemented over the five-year period 2023 - 2027, contains recommendations for priority actions under five headings:
1. Being Safe and Being Heard – supporting people who experience racism and protecting people from racist incidents and crimes
2. Being Equal – addressing ethnic inequalities
3. Being Seen and Taking Part – enabling minority participation
4. Being Counted – measuring the impacts of racism
5. Being Together – a shared journey to racial equality
an Plean Gníomhaíochta Náisiúnta i gcoinne an Chiníochais
A high-level summary of the plan has been translated into a number of languages. These summary documents may be used by organisations as needed, to direct people affected by racism or working in the area of anti-racism towards the National Action Plan Against Racism.
A summary in additional languages can be found here
As part of the NAPAR, the Anti-Racism Committee proposed structural arrangements for its implementation, monitoring and review. These included the appointment of a Special Rapporteur on Racial Equality and Racism to independently monitor and report on progress towards the objectives of the NAPAR. The Committee also proposed the formation of two groups with a tenure of five years for each one - an Interdepartmental Coordination Committee that is comprised of senior officials across government departments and agencies, working toward implementing the actions in the plan across Government, and an Advisory Committee on Racial Equality and Racism which includes individuals who have particular knowledge and expertise in matters relating to racial equality and racism.
The Special Rapporteur on Racial Equality and Racism, Dr Ebun Joseph, was appointed on the 1st July 2024, for a period of four years until mid-2028. The Special Rapporteur will monitor progress towards the objectives of the NAPAR, will make an annual report to the Minister, and this report will also be submitted to the relevant Oireachtas Committee.
The Press Release for the appointment of the Special Rapporteur can be found here.
To support the work of the Special Rapporteur, an Advisory Committee on Racism and Racial Equality, chaired by the Special Rapporteur, has been established with membership from a cross section of society. The Committee includes individuals who have particular knowledge and expertise in matters relating to racial equality and racism, and is tasked with monitoring and helping to progress the implementation of the NAPAR. They will provide knowledge and expertise to the Special Rapporteur and provide critical and constructive feedback and analysis on the progress of the NAPAR and its actions. The work of the Advisory Committee will be conducted in parallel with the work of the Interdepartmental Coordination Committee.
The members of the Advisory Committee are:
Dr Niloufar Omidi (EDI Policy & Project Development Officer, University of Limerick)
Mr Mohammad Naeem (UN Youth Delegate)
Ms Rachel Coffey (National Youth Council of Ireland)
Councillor Hazel Chu (City Councillor, Barrister)
Mr Martin Collins (Co-Director of Pavee Point)
Mr Shane O’Curry (Director, Irish Network Against Racism (INAR))
Dr James Carr (Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Limerick)
Ms Patricia Munatsi (Human Rights Lawyer)
Mr David Joyce (Irish Congress of Trade Unions)
Ms Gina Miyagewa (Roma Health Co-ordinator, HSE)
Under the NAPAR, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) committed to publishing a twice-yearly implementation report capturing the implementation status of each action under the plan, in consultation with the Co-ordination committee
NAPAR Implementation Report 2023-2024 - Final for publication
The Ireland Against Racism Fund is an important element in supporting the implementation of the NAPAR.
The overall objective of this fund is to provide funding for national and regional projects, as well as local initiatives, that work with minority ethnic communities; to address racism, promote inclusion and to enable these communities to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.
The 2024 funding call is now closed for applications. Results will be announced in Q4.
Messages from the Taoiseach, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities, and the Chair of the Anti-Racism Committee have been translated into a number of languages. These messages appear as forewords in the National Action Plan Against Racism.
Forewords in additional languages can be found here.
A message from the EU Anti-Racism Coordinator, delivered via video at the launch of the National Action Plan Against Racism can be found below.
As part of the public consultation process to inform the contents of the National Action Plan Against Racism, a large number of written submissions were received. The submissions received from organisations will be included below, with personal details redacted for data protection reasons.
Since its appointment in June 2020, the Anti-Racism Committee met several times in plenary session. Minutes of the Committee’s plenary meetings are below. Personal details are redacted for data protection reasons.
If you would like to know more about combating racism, or would like more information about the National Action Plan Against Racism, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at