Consultation process to develop a policy on Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht
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From October 2022 to July 2023, the Department of Education conducted a public consultation process, which sought the views of interested stakeholders, to inform the development of a new policy for Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht.
Members of the public and interested stakeholders, including young people, parents/guardians, teachers/early years educators, school leaders, members of school boards of management, school management bodies, education stakeholders and Irish-language stakeholders were invited to have their say on this important topic.
The consultation process consisted of three interrelated phases:
The insights and information on key issues gathered during this process will serve as a valuable resource to inform policy development.
The new policy for Irish-medium education outside of Gaeltacht areas will identify actions to achieve the following key objectives:
The department has established a Steering Committee to oversee the development of the policy.
A report on provision for Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht has been published as an important reference point to inform the consultation and the policy development process.
An Overview of Provision for Irish-Medium Education outside of Gaeltacht Areas: Current Provision and Future Projections
Léargas ar Sholáthar don Oideachas Lán-Ghaeilge lasmuigh den Ghaeltacht: Soláthar Reatha agus Réamh-mheastacháin don Todhchaí
Two composite reports were published by the Department of Education in spring 2021 based on inspection findings on the quality of educational provision in Irish-medium primary and post-primary schools outside of the Gaeltacht. These reports covered the period 2017 to 2020. These reports provide a helpful insight into practice in Irish-medium schools, which may be of interest to those participating in the public consultation process.
Composite Report: Irish-medium primary schools outside of the Gaeltacht
Preliminary Report to Inform the Development of a Policy for the Irish-medium Sector Outside of the Gaeltacht
Composite Report: Irish-medium post-primary schools outside of Gaeltacht
Preliminary Report to Inform the Development of a Policy for the Irish-medium Sector Outside of the Gaeltacht
The Sealbhú research institute in DCU was commissioned by the Department of Education to carry out a review of literature on Irish-medium education and on education through minority languages to inform the development of the policy. Their report contains their researchers’ findings in relation to effective practice in ten different jurisdictions where education is provided through minority languages.
The public consultation phase of this process generated a significant level of interest. A large number of questionnaires were completed, written submissions were received from a range of stakeholders, and there was a high level of participation in the various focus groups. In light of the volume of submissions received, Sealbhú was commissioned to carry out an analysis of the key issues arising. They were asked to identify the main trends and themes, and to summarise the range of views, opinions and recommendations shared with the Department through the public consultation. In order to inform the process, and in line with the commitment to share information, these reports are now being published here.
In developing the new policy, the Department will draw on these reports, as well as the review of international research and the information shared by stakeholders in bilateral meetings. This information will be considered in light of the existing provision for Irish-medium education and future projections for the education system (as outlined in the report above), as well as the Department’s budgetary and legislative context. While it will not be possible to include all of the suggestions and recommendations in the reports in the final policy, they will be taken into account and will inform the Department and the Steering Group in the development of the policy.
Short Report on the Public Response to the Questionnaire
Any personal information submitted to the department will be treated strictly in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/67 and the Data Protection Act 2018. The department’s Data Protection Policy is available online. The Privacy Notice is also available online.
If you require further information on the consultation process or about the development of the policy please contact or phone (01) 889 6408.