Lisa Clifford
From Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
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From Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
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Lisa Clifford has responsibility at Head of Business Unit level for leading the development, implementation and guidance for EU Directives relevant to the Planning System in Ireland – with particular responsibility for the Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment Directives within the Planning System. Responsibility for the development, implementation and updating of UN obligations in the Planning System such as the Espoo Convention and Protocol on Transboundary Environmental Assessment, including management of transboundary consultation processes at a national/ international level, and the Aarhus Convention on access to Environmental information and decisions. Advise on and manage the Department’s planning litigation in domestic courts relating to EU law particularly relating to the EIA and SEA Directives, as well as CJEU referrals and relevant infringements and provide SEA advisory function to the Department including screening and management of Strategic Environmental Assessment (and Habitats Directive/Appropriate Assessment) processes for Plans and Programmes made by the Division (and Department if relevant).