Celine McHugh
From Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
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From Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
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Celine McHugh has responsibility at Principal level for the Construction and Enterprise Innovation Policy Unit in the Innovation & Investment Division. The Unit leads and co-ordinates delivery across the Department’s actions in the Government's Housing for All strategy, which includes a particular focus on construction innovation and productivity enhancement in the sector. The Unit also leads on the development and implementation of the Department’s enterprise innovation policy; represents the Department on the inter-Departmental implementation structures for Impact 2030, Irelands national innovation policy; and is engaged in a number of international innovation policy initiatives at EU level, including the European Innovation Council, and the OECD. The Unit has responsibility for Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy and leads on its implementation through a national level Implementation Group including relevant Departments, Agencies and the Regional Assemblies. The Unit is overseeing the development of a national network of European Digital Innovation Hubs under the Digital Europe Programme which is administered by Enterprise Ireland.