The government’s Shared Island initiative aims to harness the full potential of the Good Friday Agreement to enhance cooperation, connection and mutual understanding on the island and engage with all communities and traditions to build consensus around a shared future.
- working with the Northern Ireland Executive and the British Government to address strategic challenges faced on the island of Ireland
- further developing the all-island economy, deepening North/South cooperation, and investing in the North West and border regions
- fostering constructive and inclusive dialogue and a comprehensive programme of research to support the building of consensus around a shared future on the island
A Shared Island unit in the Department of the Taoiseach acts as a driver and coordinator of this whole of government initiative.
The Shared Island Fund was announced in Budget 2021, with €500m in capital funding available between 2021-25, ring-fenced for investment in collaborative North/South projects.
Funding from the Shared Island Fund is allocated by Government to Departments and Agencies to take forward specific projects that deliver on Programme for Government priorities on Shared Island, working with Northern Ireland counterparts. The merits of any potential new North/South projects are assessed by the relevant Government Department in the first instance.
Shared Island Initiative Report 2023 – Action on a Shared Future sets out the third year of the Shared Island Initiative, and how the Government has taken forward its commitment to engage with all communities and traditions to build a shared future on the island, underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement. The report was published on 8 February 2024.
The Shared Island unit can be contacted at:
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