Coláistí Gaeilge inspection reports
You can find all Coláistí Gaeilge inspection reports here.
You can find all Coláistí Gaeilge inspection reports here.
11 October 2022; Department of Education; Coláiste Gaeilge Inis Meáin Ionad Pobail Carcair na Leacht Co. na Gaillimhe; Inspection report; Coláistí Gaeilge;
11 October 2022; Department of Education; Coláiste an Phiarsaigh Dún Lúiche Gaoth Dobhair Co. Dhún na nGall; Inspection report; Coláistí Gaeilge;
11 October 2022; Department of Education; Coláiste Uí Chadhain Teo. Na Minna Co. na Gaillimhe; Inspection report; Coláistí Gaeilge;
16 September 2022; Department of Education; Coláiste Árainn Mhór Árann Mór Co. Dhún na nGall; Inspection report; Coláistí Gaeilge;