GLAS circulars 2016
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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Circular 23/2016 - Requests for Removal of Natura Flag off Land and Requests for Update of Information on Department Commonage Container
Circular 22/2016 - GLAS 3 Closing Date, Submission of Low-Emission slurry Spreading (LESS) Forms and submission of 2016 Interim Commonage Management Plans
Circular 21/2016 - Commonage Eligibility for GLAS 3 (pdf 360Kb)
Circular 20/2016 - Revision of GLAS 3 Terms and Conditions (pdf 33Kb)
Circular 19/2016 - GLAS Tranche 3 Submit Button (pdf 250Kb)
Circular 18/2016 - GLAS Area Farmland Bird Targeting (pdf 252Kb)
Circular 17/2016 - GLAS Tranche 3 Online Application System (pdf 312Kb)
Circular 16/2016 - Interim 2016 Commonage Management Plans and Interim 2016 Commonage Farm Plans for Commonages less than 10ha. (pdf 320Kb)
Circular 15/2016 - Annual Declaration for LESS (pdf 231Kb)
GLAS Circular 14/2016 - Clarification on Hen Harrier Specification (pdf 398Kb)
GLAS Circular 13/2016 - Commonages where there is no advisor (pdf 321Kb)
Circular 12/2016 - Changes to Specification for GLAS 1 & 2 - Water Courses & TAMS (pdf 392Kb)
Circular 10/2016 - GLAS Farm Walks - July 2016 (pdf 410Kb)
Circular 09/2016 - Extension of Completion date for WBC - Glas 1 & 2 (pdf 232Kb)
Circular 08/2016 - BPS Applications for GLAS - New Partnerships, Cereal Numbers & Missing Commonage Tabs (pdf 312Kb)
Circular 07/2016 - Amending GLAS Area-based Actions in BPS (pdf 579Kb)
Circular 06/2016: Checking Commonage Container Data (pdf 309Kb)
Circular 05/2016 - Amended Specification for WBC, Hen Harrier, CMPs and CFPs (pdf 442Kb)
Circular 04/2016 - Extension of Completion Dates for Certain Actions - GLAS Tranche 1 (pdf 308Kb)
Circular 03/2016 - GLAS Actions on Natura Lands (pdf 367Kb)
Annex to Circular 3/2016 GLAS Actions on Natura Lands - Risk Assessment (pdf 335Kb)