GLAS Circulars 2015
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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Last updated on
Circular 44/2015 - Submission of GLAS 2 Applications (pdf 317Kb)
Circular 43/2015 - Extension to Closing Date GLAS Tranche 2 (pdf 314Kb)
Circular 42/2015 - ANC and GLAS (Wild Bird Cover) (pdf 229Kb)
Circular 40/2015 - GLAS Tranche 2 Submit Button (pdf 308Kb)
Circular 39/2015 - Payable Areas for GLAS Actions (pdf 235Kb)
Circular 37/2015 - Withdrawal of GLAS 1 Approved Actions (pdf 341Kb)
Circular 36/2015 - GLAS Tranche 2 Scheme Opening and Closing Date (pdf 312Kb)
Circular 35/2015 - GLAS Tranche 1 Terms and Conditions and Specifications (pdf 309Kb)
Circular 33/2015 - Part Year Payable Actions (pdf 360Kb)
Circular 32/2015 - Guide to the Completion of the CMP/CFP (pdf 252Kb)
Circular 31/2015 - Commonages where there is NO advisor (pdf 237Kb)
A Guide to the Completion of the GLAS Commonage Plan (pdf 570Kb)
Circular 30/2015 - Update on Commonage Advisors & Extension to Closing Date for CMP (pdf 425Kb)
Circular 29/2015 - Extension to Closing Date for Commonage Authorisation Forms - Commonage Advisors Only
Circular 28/2015 - Completion of Commonage Authorisation Forms - Commonage Advisors Only
Circular 27/2015 - Registered Farm Partnerships (pdf 233Kb)
Circular 26/2015 - Closing date extension to Tuesday 26 May (pdf 316Kb)
Circular 25/2015 - Commonage Management Plan (pdf 318Kb)
Circular 23/2015 - Farmland Birds (Amendment) (pdf 421Kb)
Circular 20/2015 - Updated Terms and Conditions (pdf 356Kb)
Circular 18/2015 - Organic Farmers - Priority Entry to GLAS (pdf 385Kb)
Circular 17/2015 - Extending the Date for CMPs and COMM Auth Forms by email
Circular 16/2015 - Min-Max units on Actions (pdf 700Kb)
Circular 15/2015 - Submission of GLAS Auth Comm Forms on email (pdf 233Kb)
Circular 13/2015 - Clarification on the Appointment of Commonage Advisors (pdf 420Kb)
Circular 12/2015 - Appointment of Commonage Advisors (pdf 313Kb)
Circular 11/2015 - Mapping Multiple Actions (pdf 1,863Kb)
Circular 09/2015 - Amended GLAS Specification (pdf 691Kb)
Circular 07/2015 - Changes to Application System (pdf 338Kb)
Circular 06/2015 - GLAS and Afforestation Scheme (pdf 318Kb)
Circular 04/2015 - GLAS Application System 02/04/2015 (pdf 216Kb)
Your questions answered: Circular 03/2015 - GLAS, issued by email 20/03/2015