Spending Review 2019
From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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The Spending Review process aims to improve how public expenditure is allocated across all areas of Government. The Spending Review in 2019 resulted in 28 published papers. In addition, a number of papers measuring the social impact of specific schemes and services have also been published.
Tusla: Assessment of Performance Measurement
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a high level analysis of the performance metrics and data which Tusla collects in order to assess, at a high level, whether the performance information currently collected is sufficient to conduct an evaluation of the services provided by Tusla.
Costing Framework for the Expansion of GP Care
This paper develops a framework for estimating the costs and impacts of expanding free GP in Ireland. Findings based on a number of expansion scenarios are presented.
Emergency Departments: Trends 2014-2017
Building upon previous spending review analysis, this paper analyses the trends in Emergency Departments (ED) over the period 2014-2017. It also considers a number of recent policy initiatives introduced which could be expected to have direct or indirect impacts on EDs.
Health Workforce: Consultants Pay and Skills Mix 2012-2017
This paper assess the number of Consultants and the mix of Consultant disciplines employed in the public health system in Ireland. It estimates the annual Exchequer pay bill for Consultants and provides an international comparison in terms of remuneration.
Monitoring Inputs, Outputs and Outcomes in Special Education Needs Provision
This paper examines Special Education Needs Expenditure in Ireland. It provides an overview of trends and efficiency issues, examines the way inputs, outputs and outcomes are monitored in the sector, and proposes a new framework for evaluating outcomes.
School Transport Expenditure
This paper sets out a broad overview of school transport expenditure and trends, examines the key components of school transport expenditure, mainstream and special education expenditure and examines factors driving these costs and affecting the efficiency of the scheme.
Review of Participation in and Costs of Apprenticeships
The objective of this paper is to analyse funding for apprenticeships and examine the cost of delivery and the registrations for programmes.
Review of Carer’s Supports
This paper analyses trends in expenditure and recipient numbers on carer’s supports to identify key drivers of expenditure. The paper also examines the profile of carers and the people they care for, future pressures and the likely impacts on carer’s supports expenditure.
Analysis of Social Housing Acquisitions
Building upon previous spending review analysis in the housing sector, this paper assesses the delivery of social housing through acquisitions and includes an assessment of the various delivery mechanisms, the unit cost of delivery, cost efficiency and market interaction.
Animal Health – TB Eradication
The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad overview of the current Bovine TB eradication programme and identify potential areas that may accelerate the progress of the policy objective of eradication by 2030.
Spending Review: The Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme
This spending review paper provides an analytical overview of the Green, Low Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) and covers the rationale, efficiency, effectiveness and continued relevance of the scheme.
Spending Review: Beef Data Genomics Programme
This review of the Beef Data Genomics Programme (BDGP) aims to evaluate the impact of the scheme to date in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and to identify aspects of the programme that could be improved.
Overview of the Dublin North East Inner City Initiative
This paper presents a high level overview and initial consideration of the Dublin North East Inner City (NEIC) initiative, including a case study of the Pilot Social Employment Programme (PSEP) which aims to support the delivery of range of service in the area.
Post Project Review of the Pálás Cinema Project
This review examines the income streams, operations, administration and outputs related to the Pálás cinema project and, in particular, assesses the Department's grant management approach.
Review of the Arts and Culture Capital Enhancement Support Scheme (Access II)
This paper reviews the second round of the Arts and Culture Capital Enhancement Support Scheme (ACCESS II). It assess the efficiency and effectiveness with which the scheme was delivered, and highlights learnings from ACCESS II that may be applied to similar schemes in the future.
Towards a Framework for Multi-Annual Budgeting: Considerations for An Garda Síochána
This paper assesses the potential application of multi annual budgeting in An Garda Síochána. Set against the background of the ongoing policing reform programme, this paper addresses the criteria required for successful implementation of multi annual budgeting.
Direct Provision: Overview of Current Accommodation Expenditure
This paper assesses direct provision in the context of current accommodation expenditure while also providing an international comparison of similar provision systems.
Civil Defence Expenditure
The paper provides an overview of the objectives and rationale for the operation of Civil Defence. It examines the overall composition of expenditure, assesses the relevance and value for money obtained from this expenditure and identifies suitable and relevant international comparators.
Budgetary Impact of Changing Demographics from 2020 - 2030
This paper is an updated version of a 2016 IGEES Paper Budgetary Impact of Changing Demographics 2017-2027. It looks at the overall impact of demographics on key areas of public expenditure.
Spending Review 2019 - Public Service Employment & Expenditure Modelling
Building on the Exchequer pay bill analysis published in the 2018 Spending Review, this paper seeks to model how public service numbers and rates of pay will be impacted by demographics and the economic cycle over the medium term.
Cyclicality of Public Expenditure
This paper investigates whether the various components of public expenditure have experienced pro-cyclicality. The paper uses correlation analysis to understand the relationship between the various components of public expenditure and the economic cycle as measured by the output gap.
Trends in Public Expenditure
This paper examines trends in, and drivers of, public expenditure over a longer time frame. It builds on similar papers in 2017 and 2018 and provides a useful context and reference point for the range of more in-depth spending review papers.
Rationale Operation and Issues – Irish Spending Review Process 2017-2019
This document details an independent external review of the Spending Review 2017-2019. The review covered the following areas – aims and objectives; structures, timelines and communication; output and broader alignment of the process and implementation. The recommendations from this review, in addition to an OECD Review of IGEES and the new IGEES Medium Term Strategy, formed the basis for a number of changes to the Spending Review process for the period 2020 – 2022.