From Department of Defence; Office of Emergency Planning
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From Department of Defence; Office of Emergency Planning
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Strategic Emergency Management National Structures and Framework
This document sets out the national arrangements for the delivery of effective emergency management.
Strategic Emergency Management Guideline 1 - NECG
SEM 1 - This Guidance Document sets out the various steps involved in coordinating a national-level response to emergencies, the triggers and activation procedures for convening a meeting of a National Emergency Coordination Group (NECG), and the role of the Group.
Strategic Emergency Management Guideline 2 - Emergency Communications
This document focuses on the strategic and national level, providing guidance for government departments and agencies responsible for the dissemination of information and advice during an emergency incident and the following recovery period.
Strategic Emergency Management Guideline 3 - Critical Infrastructure Resilience - Version 2
This Guideline adopts a risk based approach that is societal centric, and is focused on the impact of the loss of services to Irish society rather than on the losses incurred to the owner or operator of that service.
Strategic Emergency Management Guideline 4 - Climate Change Adaptation
Strategic Emergency Management Guideline 4 - Climate Change Adaptation
National Disaster Risk Management Capabilities Assessment 2021
National Disaster Risk Management Capabilities Assessment 2021
National Pandemic Influenza Plan
The purpose of this document is to tell you about pandemic influenza (flu), to explain what the Government and the health services are doing to prepare for a possible pandemic and most importantly, to advise you what you need to do if there is a pandemic. National Pandemic Influenza Plan
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) Ireland's specialist agency for the surveillance of communicable diseases - Advice on Influenza: The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC)
Business Continuity Planning responding to an Influenza Pandemic
This study identifies issues for enterprise in the event of an influenza pandemic. It includes a user-friendly check-list for enterprises to assist continuity planning for such a pandemic and ten illustrative case studies of how enterprises across a range of sectors are preparing to respond. Business Continuity Planning: Responding to an Influenza Pandemic