The Office of Public Works produce a number of Publications, including our Annual Report, Strategy Statement and our biannual in-house magazine 'Obair.'
The publication of these and other books, periodicals, and reports provide a method of promoting and informing, both externally and internally, many of the tasks undertaken by the OPW.
Many of these are available free of charge while some of our other publications can be obtained through the Sales Office.
Please note that all files are in PDF format. If you experience any difficulties opening Adobe Acrobat files, please ensure that you are using the latest version of the Adobe Reader software.
Office of Public Works Annual Report 2021
This Annual Report presents the activities and achievements of the Office of Public Works (OPW) for the year 2021. The OPW’s principal activities are in the areas of Flood Risk Management and Estate Management, including Heritage Services.
Capacity & Capability Review - Estate Portfolio Management Function - Report
This Capacity and Capability review within the Office of Public Works (OPW), commissioned by the Chairman, specifically assesses OPW’s Estate Portfolio Management function.
Capacity & Capability Review - Estate Portfolio Management Function - Appendices
This appendix includes the list of internal and external meetings carried by the project team both with OPW staff, clients and stakeholders.
Health and Safety Newsletter 2013
An overview of the importance of health and safety in the OPW.
OPW Child Safeguarding Statement - 2019
The OPW is committed to a child-centred approach in its work with children and young people, and this Safeguarding Statement has been adopted by us to ensure that as far as practicable, children are kept safe from harm while visiting our sites, engaging with our services, and deepening their generation’s understanding and appreciation of our nation’s heritage.
OPW Child Safeguarding Statement - Appendices
A collection of appendices related to the OPW Child Safeguarding Statement.
OPW Language Scheme 2014 - 2017
This Language Scheme was prepared in accordance with Section 15 of the Official Languages Act 2003 (“the Act”) by the Office of Public Works (OPW). This is the second Scheme prepared by this Office and succeeds the first Scheme which came into effect in 2007.
Plan, Prepare, Protect - Flood Awareness Information
The information in this booklet is presented in a simple, straightforward way which will assist people to make adequate preparations and take all reasonable precautions to protect themselves in the event of flooding.
Property Asset Management Delivery Plan July 2013
The government's Reform Plan sets out commitments relating to Property Asset Management to drive public service-wide efficiency and ensure that optimal value for money is achieved in the management of the state's property portfolio.
Property Asset Management Delivery Plan - Progress Report June 2015
The key objective of the property asset management reforms being implemented is to "manage the Public Service property portfolio in a professional, co-ordinated and efficient manner that maximises value for money and facilitates business needs and service provision."