GLAS Circulars 2017
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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Circular 15/2017 - Online Commonage Management Plan (CMP) System (pdf 370Kb)
Circular 14/2017 - Supplementary Feeding - LIPP & THM (pdf 374Kb)
Circular 13/2017 - Extension of GLAS deadline for establishment of catch crops (pdf 296Kb)
Circular 12/2017 - Annual Declaration for Low-emission for Slurry Spreading (pdf 230Kb)
Circular 11/2017 - LIPP Amendment Supplementary Feeding (pdf 580Kb)
Circular 10/2017 - Re-Assignment of Advisors to Commonages in GLAS (pdf 381Kb)
Circular 09/2017 - Extension of GLAS deadline for Establishment of Catch Crops (pdf 285Kb)
Circular 08/2017 - GLAS Online Training Facility (pdf 393Kb)
Circular 07/2017 - GLAS 1 & 2 catch crop specification amended (pdf 533Kb)
Circular 06/2017 - GLAS Commanages - Assignment of Commonage Advisors to prepare and submit Commonage Management Plans (pdf 368Kb)
Attachment to Circular 06/2017: List of 225 and 75 Commonage IDs, no advisor assigned (pdf 308Kb)
Circular 05/2017 - GLAS 1, 2, 3 participants on Appointed Commonages 18/07/17 (pdf 364Kb)
Circular 04/2017 - GLAS 2016 Rare Breeds Declaration Form
Annex to Circular 4/2017 - Rare Breeds Record Sheet 2016 GLAS 1 & 2 (pdf 413Kb)
Circular 3/2017 - Amendment to closing date for submissions of commonage management plans (pdf 248Kb)
Circular 2/2017 - Amendment to topping date for LIPP action for GLAS 1 and 2 applicants (pdf 405Kb)