River Bonet Arterial Drainage Scheme
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Statutory Consultation on proposed works by the OPW as required under Section 42 (6) and (8) of the EU (Birds and Habitats) Regulations 2011, as amended.
Ref: 19/2024 AA Screening and Natura Impact Statement for the proposed Tree and Woody Debris removal on the Bonet Arterial Drainage Scheme.
The OPW (as the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland) has statutory responsibility for the maintenance of drainage schemes completed under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 and 1995, as amended.
The OPW propose the removal of trees and woody debris at two locations on the Bonet River approximately 1.5km and 2.2km downstream of Dromahair village, Co. Leitrim on the Bonet Arterial Drainage Scheme. The proposed maintenance works sites are within Lough Gill SAC (Site Code: 001976).
The proposed works will be carried out under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 and 1995.
The maintenance works requires the removal of two blockages on the Bonet River approximately 1.5km and 2.2km downstream of Dromahair village that are impacting the flood conveyance of the channel. The blockages consists of trees and woody debris washed down from the upstream catchment. A long reach excavator with a tree shears attachment working from the bankside will be used to cut and lift the trees and debris out of the channel. The sites are accessed via public roads and across agricultural land.
In accordance with Section 42 (6) and (8) of the EU (Birds and Habitats) Regulations 2011, as amended, the OPW are now required to carry out an appropriate assessment of the implications of the proposed works, alone and in combination with other plans and projects, on the integrity of a Natura 2000 site in view of its conservation objectives.
An Appropriate Assessment Screening and Natura Impact Statement for the proposed removal of trees and woody debris at two locations on the Bonet River has been prepared in respect of these proposed works and is available to view or download at the link provided below.
Natura Impact Statement for the proposed removal of trees and woody debris at two locations on the Bonet River.
The OPW now invites submissions and observations from the public relating to the likely significant effects of the proposed works on the following European Sites, if carried out:
•Lough Gill SAC (Site Code: 001976)
The OPW shall have regard to any submissions or observations received during this public consultation when arriving at a decision. The OPW will also consult with the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in a clear, open and transparent manner. Any person or organisation can make a submission in relation to this consultation. Public consultation forms an important part of advancing the consideration of the environmental impacts associated with these works and allows the involvement of the public in developing a better outcome for the associated Natura Site.
Submissions will be accepted from Tuesday 13th February to Tuesday 26th March 2024, up to 5pm.
Submissions will not be accepted outside the consultation period.
You can make a submission via email: please email your submission to nis@opw.ie
We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in a clear, open and transparent manner. Any person or organisation can make a submission in relation to this consultation. Individual responses to submissions will not be provided however all submissions and feedback will be considered before the final decision is made.
Please note that responses to this consultation are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (FOI), Access to Information on the Environment Regulations 2007-2018 (AIE) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Please also note that we may publish the contents of all submissions received to our consultations on our website. We will redact personal data prior to publication. In responding to this consultation, parties should clearly indicate where their responses contain personal information, commercially sensitive information or confidential information which they would not wish to be released under FOI, AIE or otherwise published.
We would like to draw your attention to our Data Privacy Notice which explains how and when we collect personal data, why we do so and how we treat this information. It also explains your rights in relation to the collection of personal information and how you can exercise those rights.