Digital Strategy for Schools
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Submissions closed
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Open for submissions from
Submissions closed
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Consultation is closed
The current Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 expires at the end of the 2020/2021 school year and the development of a new strategy is now underway. The new strategy will build on the existing one whilst also taking into account the progress made to date in embedding digital technologies in teaching, learning and assessment, new developments in digital technologies as well as any emerging priorities.
In order to ensure a comprehensive review of the existing Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 and to inform the development of the new strategy, a wide-ranging inclusive consultation framework is required to ensure a meaningful and effective consultation process. The new Digital Strategy for Schools Consultation Framework proposes the following approach to allow for this:
1. Open public call for written submissions
2. An easily accessible digital questionnaire for all teachers, principals and students
3. Focus groups on specific themes with main stakeholders (for e.g. education partners, industry, students, parents)
4. Establishment of a core Consultative Group, which will include the management bodies, unions, parents’ representative bodies and industry representatives. The Consultative Group will meet on a regular basis with other key stakeholders invited to attend depending on the themes to be discussed.
5. Bilateral meetings with other Departments and Agencies , including Northern Ireland, the EU and the UK
The following strands of the consultation process to help inform the new development of the new Digital Strategy for Schools are now closed:
We wish to thank all those who participated in this part of the process and your views will be taken into consideration in the development of the new strategy.
Any queries can be directed to