Part 8 Proposed Refurbishment of the Church of Ireland, Castle Street, Macroom Town, Co Cork
From Cork County Council
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From Cork County Council
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Refurbishment of the Church of Ireland, Castle Street, Macroom town, a Protected Structure in the Macroom Town Development Plan; St. Coleman’s is in the Record of Monuments & Places (RMP) for Cork under reference CO071-050002; while its surrounding graveyard is CO071-050001, NIAH 20852022.
The works are to provide a community and enterprise facility. Retention of partially completed 1990’s rear extension. The development allows for the provision of Ground floor: multi-purpose room associated with the community and enterprise uses. All vertical and horizontal circulation, stairs, etc. Ancillary service areas to provide plant, and toilets. First floor: café/ staff tea station associated semi- public areas. Provision of new universally accessible entrance within existing fabric. Site development works, including external hard landscaping, entrance lighting, and all associated site services above and below ground. Off-street bike parking spaces.