Government seeks public views on strategic risks facing Ireland
From Department of the Taoiseach
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From Department of the Taoiseach
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Consultation is closed
The Government has published the Draft National Risk Assessment and is calling for members of the public to give their views about what they regard as the most significant risks facing Ireland in 2019. The Draft Report highlights a range of risks including those posed by a no-deal Brexit, Climate Change and international trade tensions.
The Draft National Risk Assessment 2019 - Overview of Strategic Risks is the latest annual report looking at the strategic economic, geopolitical, social, environmental and technological risks facing Ireland. The public are being encouraged to give their feedback on the draft risks that have been outlined, so that the final Report, which will be published later this year, will be representative of the public’s views.
As the risk landscape has altered since the publication of last year’s National Risk Assessment, the current draft risks have evolved and developed. The uncertainties around the form Brexit will take have persisted and indeed increased since last year’s Report, resulting in a stronger focus on the potential risk of a no-deal Brexit and the impact that could have on the Irish economy and on stability in Northern Ireland.
Potential risks for the Irish economy arising from a continued increase in trade tensions, and exacerbated by the emergence of a global economic slowdown, continue to be areas of concern. Domestically, emerging spending pressures must be closely monitored and controlled, to ensure that our public finances remain sustainable and stable.
In addition, several of the risks have evolved in new directions, including those around the capacity of the Higher and Further Education system, and risks to social cohesion and perceived imbalances in a regional and rural context.
For some ongoing risks, greater public awareness and an increased sense of urgency and responsiveness to the risks can be felt, for example, in the case of both Climate Change risks, and the impact of social media on public debate, with both the political and policy system.
The National Risk Assessment process has highlighted a number of important issues since the first report was published in 2014, including the earliest official acknowledgments of the risks arising from a potential Brexit.
The National Risk Assessment is a collaborative process that includes several stages of consultation and discussion. The list of risks in this new draft report was prepared in consultation with a Steering Group involving all Government Departments. It is now open for public consultation to ensure all stakeholders, including the public, can contribute. The Report will be finalised on foot of submissions received through this process, and will be published later in the year.
The Draft Report is available at the below link, and submissions on the draft list of risks identified are being sought and can be made here. The public consultation will be open until Tuesday 25 June.