River Bride (Blackpool) Drainage Scheme – Public Consultation Notice
From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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Consultation is closed
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) - Public Consultation Notice under the Arterial Drainage Acts, 1945 and 1995, and Statutory Instrument No. 472 of 2019 European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Arterial Drainage) Regulations 2019 and (Birds and Natural Habitats Regulations 2011 (S.I. No.477 of 2011).
River Bride (Blackpool) Drainage Scheme (Scheme Reference: DPE63-18-2018)
Pursuant to Section 7(1) (c) of the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 and 1995, the Commissioners of Public Works have submitted the River Bride (Blackpool) Drainage Scheme to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr Paschal Donohoe for confirmation. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared by Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers on behalf of the Commissioners for Public Works in respect of the proposed Drainage Scheme. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has also been prepared as part of the AA process to ascertain if the scheme could significantly impact on any site designated for conservation. The NIS also proposes measures to mitigate any adverse impacts of the scheme.
Before the Minister can confirm the scheme, he must first determine if the scheme is likely to have
A) a significant effect on the environment or
B) have an impact on the integrity of a Natura 2000 Site (Sites)
Public consultation is now being carried out as part of the confirmation process, and members of the public are invited to make a written submission with respect to
1. the likely effects on the environment of the scheme
2. the scheme’s impact on Natura 2000 Site(s)
Submissions can be made in writing at any time during the period of 30 days concluding on Thursday 27 February 2020 by one of the following methods:
By post to: OPW Vote Section, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion St, Dublin 2, D02 R583
By e-mail to: BlackpoolSchemeConsultation@per.gov.ie
All submissions should include your name, contact address, contact details (including telephone number and e-mail address) and details of any organisation being represented.
The proposed River Bride (Blackpool) Certified Drainage Scheme will include construction of direct flood defences and conveyance improvement measures along a stretch of the River Bride and its tributaries in Blackpool, Cork. The measures include the construction of new flood walls and embankments, construction of new culverts on a section of previously open channel, bridge replacement, installation of sediment traps, modifications to existing foul/surface water collection networks in the area, construction of pumping stations and some other minor works. The scheme will also allow for its future maintenance.
The areas which are affected by the Scheme include:
A copy of the scheme and the environmental reports (Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement) relating to the Scheme will be available for inspection from Thursday 23rd January until Thursday 27th February 2020 at Reception Desk, The Atrium, Cork City Hall, Anglesea St, Cork between the hours of 9:00am – 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
All scheme information is available on www.blackpoolfrs.ie
Following the expiry of the consultation period and taking into account submissions made, it is open to the Minister to:
A) make an order confirming the scheme,
B) refuse to confirm the scheme, or
C) refer the scheme back to the Commissioners for revision in specified aspects.
Please note that it is intended to publish, on the Government’s website, all submissions received. Submissions received are also subject to the Freedom of Information Acts and may be accessed on foot of third party consultations.