Consultation on the Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment 6 (IOSEA6)
From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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Consultation is closed
We are carrying out the sixth Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA6), which involves a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) of our "Plan for assessment of applications for Petroleum Exploration and Production Authorisations in Irish Offshore Waters for the period to 2030".
This Plan will set out the proposed approach to the issuing of petroleum authorisations, and the consideration of the possible offshore exploration activities that could take place under such authorisations, following the decision to end the issuing of licences for new exploration and extraction, and the subsequent placing of this commitment on a statutory footing on commencement of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 on 7 September 2021, and provide an operational baseline which can be supplied to exploration companies who hold existing authorisations and are working offshore, against which they can conduct their work and ensure the protection of the marine environment. This will include descriptions of the types of offshore activity that may take place over the duration of the Plan, such as 2D seismic acquisition, 3D seismic acquisition, and drilling of wells.
As part of this process, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been undertaken to assess if the Plan, individually or in combination with other plans or projects is likely to have a significant effect on a European Site(s).
In accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) as transposed into Irish law by the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, we have undertaken Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening to assess if the draft outline of the Plan, individually or in combination with other plans or projects is likely to have a significant effect on a European Site(s).
Having carefully considered the information, reasoning and conclusion presented in the “Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment 6: Screening for Appropriate Assessment” prepared by environmental consultants, Intertek, we have determined that, pursuant to Regulation 42 of S.I. No. 477/2011, as amended, and for the purposes of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive, that it could not be excluded, on the basis of objective scientific information following screening , that the plan, individually, or in combination with other plans and projects would have likely significant effects on a European site, and therefore an Appropriate Assessment is required. As part of the next stage of this process, a Natura Impact Statement has now been prepared to accompany the draft plan and is included as part of this consultation period.
Further information on the Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process conducted under IOSEA6, including links to the relevant screening and scoping reports, can be found on the IOSEA6 web page.
Alongside the screening for Appropriate Assessment, a screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was undertaken and we determined that, as the Plan falls within the remit of the SEA Directive, that a mandatory SEA is required. This was followed by the Scoping stage of the Environment Report, which involves determining the scope, level of detail and range of environmental issues to be covered by the SEA and work is currently underway on this next stage of the assessment. As part of the next stage of this process, an Environmental Report has now been prepared to accompany the draft plan and is included as part of this consultation process.
Further information on the Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process conducted under IOSEA6, including links to the relevant screening and scoping reports, can be found on the IOSEA6 web page.
As part of this consultation process, we are seeking views on the following documents:
Plan for assessment of applications for Petroleum Authorisations in Irish Offshore Waters for Period up to 2030
All written submissions are welcome and will be considered in final publication of the sixth Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment.
The closing date for submissions is 5.30pm 13 January 2023
Submissions should be marked Consultation on IOSEA6 and sent by email to or by post to:
Geoscience Policy Division
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
29-31 Adelaide Road
Dublin, D02 X285
IOSEA6 SEA ER Appendix C.2 Biodiversity, Flora and Fauna
IOSEA6 SEA ER Appendix C.4 Cultural, Architectural & Archaeological Heritage
IOSEA6 SEA ER Appendix C.5 Economy and Material Assets
IOSEA6 SEA ER Appendix C.6 Geology, Substrates and Coastal Sediments
IOSEA6 SEA ER Appendix C.8 Population and Human Health
We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in a clear, open and transparent manner. Any person or organisation can make a submission in relation to this consultation. All submissions and feedback will be considered before the final version of the Plan is published.
Please note that responses to this consultation are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (FOI), Access to Information on the Environment Regulations 2007-2018 (AIE) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Please also note that we intend to publish the contents of all submissions received to our consultations on our website. We will redact personal data prior to publication. In responding to this consultation, parties should clearly indicate where their responses contain personal information, commercially sensitive information or confidential information which they would not wish to be released under FOI, AIE or otherwise published.
We would like to draw your attention to our Data Privacy Notice which explains how and when we collect personal data, why we do so and how we treat this information. It also explains your rights in relation to the collection of personal information and how you can exercise those rights.