Early Years Education Inspection Consultation
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Consultation is closed
The Department of Education Inspectorate has opened a public consultation on the Revised Early Years Education Inspection Model – Birth to 6.
To fill in the online survey, which is open to all those interested in supporting and promoting the development of high quality early childhood education experiences for children aged from birth to 6 years click here .
Since November 2021, hundreds of stakeholders in the Early Learning and Care (ELC) sector have engaged in our consultation on the development of a revised Early Years Education Inspection (EYEI) model. This feedback has been so valuable to our work that we have extended the deadline for the submission of feedback to May 13 2022 . This extension recognises the challenging public health context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on the ELC professionals, parents and other key stakeholders in recent months.
We would like to thank all of you who have replied to date and encourage those yet to respond to do so as soon as you can. Your views are critical to ensuring that our inspections are relevant, authentic and most importantly supportive of the delivery of high quality early childhood education for children aged from birth to six years.
You can contact us by completing our online survey here or by email to EYEInspectorate@education.gov.ie
To watch the recent webinar about the draft guidance and the consultation process, see the video below;
First 5: A whole of Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families contains a specific commitment “to develop, enhance and implement standards and reform regulation and inspection systems” (page 11). The Department of Education has several areas of responsibility within the implementation plan including "…piloting the extension of education-focused inspections to children under three" (page 159). To deliver on this commitment, the Guide to Early Years Education Inspection, published in 2018, is being reviewed and revised.
Since April 2016, the Department of Education Inspectorate has been evaluating the quality of early education provision in Early Learning and Care (ELC) settings that deliver the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme of free pre-school funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability and Integration (DCEDIY).
In order to ensure a comprehensive review of the revised Guide and to ensure the continued collaborative engagement with relevant stakeholders, the consultation phase will allow for:
In addition to the consultation survey, there is an opportunity for interested parties to submit more detailed feedback by email to EYEInspectorate@education.gov.ie .