The Importance of Inclusive Research - Strengthening the citizen's voice in policy making
From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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On 27 October, the Research and Evaluation unit (DCEDIY) hosted a webinar on the Importance of Inclusive Research - Strengthening the citizen's voice in policy making.
This webinar directly links with the government’s commitment as part of Impact 2030 to strengthen citizens’ voice in research. For effective policy making, it is important that the citizen’s voice informs our research and policy making. During this webinar, we presented on why inclusive research matters in the public service. The webinar also demonstrated, with examples of best practice, how inclusive research which takes account of a diverse range of the population, makes for better public policy. Useful links that were shared during the webinar cab be found below.
A recording of the webinar is available and can be accessed by the password PSTWeek2023
Unfortunately, due to a technical issue on the day the ISL interpreter was not recorded for two presentations. Please contact if you require any assistance with regard to the presentations.
We were joined by Dr Chloe Walsh who is a senior researcher in the National Disability Authority (NDA) who is involved in conducting research with the aim of providing independent evidence-based advice to Government about disability matters. She spoke about the NDA’s new guidance for conducting collaborative research. This research is where people who are likely to be impacted by the research are directly involved throughout the process and are involved in the decision making about the research.
Including disabled voices in policy development and research
Presentation by Dr. Chloe Walsh (NDA) for Public Sector transformation week 2023
Dr James Casey from Independent Living Movement in Ireland (ILMI) as a policy advisor also presented on the day. He previously worked on the Onside Project. He holds a PhD in Critical Disability Studies from the University of Galway where he was the recipient of a Doctoral Teaching Fellowship. He is a disabled person and has worked as a teacher, disability equality consultant and communications worker in addition to his continued role as a peer reviewer with several international journals and his tenuous forays as a writer.
Eileen Leahy is an Assistant Principal Officer in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. She works in the area of youth participation, with responsibility for including the voice of children and young people in local and national decision-making on public policy, programmes and services. She spoke about Irish child and youth participation structures such as Comhairle na nÓg (local youth councils), Dáil na nÓg (national youth parliament) and the National Youth Assembly of Ireland and the resources available to government departments and agencies to enable them to include children and young people’s views in their policy decision-making processes.
Youth Participation in Policy-making
Presentation by Eileen Leahy (DCEDIY) for Public Sector transformation week 2023
We were also joined by Peter O’Neill, a National Youth Assembly member from Galway, who spoke about his experience of participation in public policy work/consultation.
An extensive list of Traveller Organisations can be found here
Disabled Persons’ Organisations (DPOs) are organisations that are led by people with disabilities. These organisations are rooted in the principles and rights of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
The National Disability Authority’s 'Note on Engagement with Persons with Disabilities and DPOs' paper outlines the obligations that the government and public bodies have when consulting with disabled people as well as advice on how to engage with Disabled Persons’ Organisations.
A list of some DPOs which may be of interest to you is below.
Disability Power Ireland
Disabled Women Ireland
Independent Living Movement Ireland
Irish Deaf Society
The National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee
The National Platform of Self Advocates
Physical Impairment Ireland
Voice of Vision Impairment
If you need to survey people with Intellectual Disabilities, contact the Inclusive Research Network and Inclusion Ireland.
The PPI Ignite Network website is also useful if you are looking to find people for your research work.
If you would like to learn more about including the voice of children and young people in policy making please contact
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