Search central arrangements
Our central arrangements offer a range of goods and services available to the public sector. Here, you can search for central arrangements that have been put in place by Central Procurement Bodies (CPBs). This includes all arrangements put in place by:
- Office of Government Procurement (OGP)
- Education Procurement Services (EPS)
- Local Government Operational Centre (LGOPC)
- Health Service Executive (HSE)
These central arrangements can be utilised by all eligible public sector bodies. You can search through the central arrangements below. Each page offers a high-level overview of the arrangement, to give you an idea of what is available. You can also access a full, single-page list of the arrangements. For arrangements created by the EPS, LGOPC, and HSE you will be redirected to their respective sites. Further information for all OGP central arrangements is available on the Buyer Zone. Simply log onto the Buyer Zone and search for the arrangement title for more details.