External Workplace Investigation Services
From Office of Government Procurement
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From Office of Government Procurement
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This framework agreement provides external investigators for workplace investigations and the review of workplace investigations, to formally investigate complaints regarding bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, Trust in Care, grievance in line with relevant policies, procedures and codes in these areas.
For a more detailed overview, please see the User Guide which is available on the Buyer Zone .
Virtual option for interviews – reduced carbon footprint due to less travel
The financial impact to the exchequer can be less severe in the long-run
Small and Medium sized enterprises on the Framework Member list
All eligible public sector clients. A comprehensive list of who can use this framework is available in the User Guide.
Valid from:19 May 2023
Expiry:18 May 2025
Contract extensions may be available for this arrangement; please check the Buyer Zone or contact support@ogp.gov.ie for further information. Specifically, if you are concerned that the expiry date will have an impact on your requirements.
You can access these services through mini-competition or drawdown by cascade, depending on your needs.
Lot 1: External Workplace Investigation Services – Direct Drawdown (Cascade) or Mini-competitions
Mini-competitions - Service Contracts for six (6) months or more and with a de minimis value of €25,000
Lot 2: Trust in Care Investigation Services – Direct Drawdown
Lot 3: External Review of Workplace Investigations Services – Direct Drawdown
Where Direct Drawdown is available you must copy the Notification to Activate Goods/Services Form (NAGF or NASF) onto your own headed paper and complete accordingly.
Once you have completed this, it must be sent to the Contractor.
The Contractor will counter sign and return it to you. The Contractor will then contact you to determine requirements.
To get started please see the User Guide which is available on the Buyer Zone .
To access the full details of this framework agreement, log onto the Buyer Zone website and search for ‘External Workplace Investigation Services’ or contact the OGP's Support Helpdesk team.
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