Department of Health Statement of Strategy 2021-2023
From Department of Health
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From Department of Health
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In accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, the Department of Health has published its new Statement of Strategy 2021-2023, which sets out the department’s vision, mission and strategic priorities for the next 3-year period.
The Statement of Strategy is in line with the vision and goals of the Sláintecare strategy and sets out the Department of Health’s vision, mission and functions. The department's vision is for a healthier Ireland, with improved health and wellbeing for all, and with the right care delivered in the right place at the right time.
Department of Health Statement of Strategy 2021 - 2023
The mission of the Department of Health is to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Ireland by:
The department serves the public and supports the Minister for Health, Ministers of State and the government by:
The 5 strategic priorities described in the Statement of Strategy are listed below. These strategic priorities were developed following extensive consultation with the public, the HSE and agencies under the aegis of the department, Department of Health Staff, and other government departments. The priorities are aligned to the vision and fundamental principles of Sláintecare and reflect the Minister’s priorities and relevant commitments in the Programme for Government.
5 Strategic Priorities
Below is a non-exhaustive list of documents that either informed the development of, or were referenced in, the Statement of Strategy 2021-2023.