Office of Public Works Policy on Procurement
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The OPW operates as a centralised service provider of office accommodation for departments and agencies who are not charged for the service.
The OPW is the broker in commissioning a wide range of property services from the private sector.
The OPW manages many services, which are not directly funded from its own vote. The Office also provides specialist professional and technical advice to the government and to a number of departments on major refurbishment projects.
These projects include:
The areas of procurement in which OPW is involved include: works, supplies, services (including consultancies). In many cases the procurement may be part of a larger process such as the acquisition of a property or the provision or fitting out of a building to enable a client provide their services. This may include capital procurement related to the property acquisition or investment, and flood risk management, event management and the granting of commercial access to and use of State facilities.
It is OPW policy to comply with public procurement guidelines, regulations and Directives.