Expenditure Policy Division
From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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The Expenditure Policy Division supports the Department’s mission in relation to sustainable, well-managed public expenditure and effective, responsive, transparent governance through the Division’s responsibility for overall public expenditure policy, strategy and related reporting. This includes preparation of the annual Estimates and Mid-Year Expenditure Report as well as the development of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework, Spending Review.; and for promoting highest standards in public financial management, reporting and corporate governance.
It is responsible for Government reform commitments to promote and support open, accountable and transparent government and Government Accounting, including preparation of appropriation accounts, the code of governance for state bodies. Public Spending Code and related issues.
The Division is responsible for EU Coordination, Cohesion Policy, the EU Structural and Investment Funds, the Brexit Adjustment Reserve and the Recovery and Resilience Facility including the management of related ICT systems. The Division is responsible for North / South issues, North / South Bodies and the Department’s role in relation to EU Cross border programmes. In addition, the Division is responsible for the EU and Internal Audit Unit.
Acting Assistant Secretary: John Kinnane