Bodies under the aegis of the Department of Social Protection
From Department of Social Protection
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From Department of Social Protection
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There are agencies and bodies which operate under the aegis of the department.
See the relevant agency or body for information on the services they provide.
They are listed below.
The Citizens Information Board (CIB) is responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy relating to social services and entitlements.
All appointments are made by the Minister. The legislative provisions governing board membership of the CIB are contained in the Comhairle Act 2000 and the Citizens Information Act 2007.
The legislation provides that:
The legislation also provides that a member of the Board whose period of membership expires by the effluxion of time (passing of five-year term) shall be eligible for re-appointment as a member of the Board.
The Pensions Authority (the Authority) is a regulatory body operating under the aegis of this department. The statutory role of the Authority is to monitor and supervise the operation of the Pensions Act 1990.
The Authority is responsible for overseeing occupational pension schemes, trust retirement annuity contracts (RACs), and personal retirement savings accounts (PRSAs).
The Pensions Regulator is the chief executive officer of the Authority. Oversight of the Authority is provided by a three person board consisting of an independent chair appointed by the Minister for Social Protection and two ordinary members.
The Pensions Council was established to provide pension policy advice to the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
Its membership ensures that the relevant skills, knowledge and experience is available to provide the necessary advice and information in the development of pensions policy.
If you wish to contact the Pensions Council you can email
The Social Welfare Tribunal is a statutory body set up in 1982 to deal with cases where entitlement to Jobseeker's Benefit or Jobseeker's Assistance is refused due to an involvement in a trade dispute.
The legislation governing the operation of the Social Welfare Tribunal is provided for in Sections 331 to 333 of the Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act, 2005.
The Tribunal consists of a Chairman and four ordinary members, two nominated by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and two nominated by an organisation representative of employers.
All members are appointed by the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection for a term of three years.