Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors - National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027
From Department of Rural and Community Development
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From Department of Rural and Community Development
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The National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027 sets out a vision, mission and series of actions which will lead, guide and facilitate the sustainable development and management of the outdoor recreation sector for the next five years. It also aims to increase participation, in order to realise social, health and economic benefits.
The strategy can be found here:
Embracing Ireland's Outdoors: National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027
Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors is a cross Government stakeholder-led strategy which was developed in collaboration with Comhairle na Tuaithe
The strategic objectives of Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors are:
National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027 Infographic
The delivery of Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors requires a joined-up and cohesive approach to the development of outdoor recreation infrastructure at both a national and county level. Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors specifically calls for the development of a County Outdoor Recreation Plan through a collaborative process:
“At county level, our ambition is to achieve a more planned and coordinated approach between the many stakeholders, with the introduction of a County Outdoor Recreation Committee and the development of an Outdoor Recreation Plan for each county. This will ensure that county needs are prioritised, as well as being aligned with the national strategy. This new structure will be best placed to ensure that value for money is achieved from the significant levels of public investment in outdoor recreation. In addition, it is our ambition to ensure that available funding and resources are better aligned with national and county priorities.”
The plan should cascade from the vision, mission and objectives of Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors, whilst also aligning with the individual needs of the County. The plan will set out for a five year period the objectives and actions needed to promote the development of outdoor recreation of the relevant area, by all relevant stakeholders including the Local Authority, Local Development Company, Local Sports Partnership, Waterways Ireland, Coillte, Bord na Mona etc. in partnership with each other. It is anticipated that in time the funding decisions of applications submitted under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) and potentially other funding sources will be linked to the plan.
Guidelines on developing an outdoor recreation plan for the next five year period have been produced which aim to minimise the burden on individual counties. Funding of up to €30,000 will be made available to each county by the Department of Rural and Community Development to support the development of the plan. A copy of the guidelines and funding details can be found below.
DRCD hosted an information webinar in July 2023 to ensure each area will have the necessary knowledge and skills to develop and implement their plan. The recording of this webinar along with the responses to the Q&A’s is now available.
County Outdoor Recreation Committees and Stakeholder Forums
The delivery of Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors requires a joined-up and cohesive approach to the development of outdoor recreation infrastructure and the management of outdoor recreation activity at both a national and county level.
The establishment of the County Outdoor Recreation Committee and Stakeholder Forum in each county will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have their say, that local needs are prioritised and that the approach in the county is aligned with the national strategy.
Ideally, the establishment of the County Outdoor Recreation Committees (CORC) and Stakeholder Forums should precede the development of the County Outdoor Recreation Plan.
Each County Outdoor Recreation Committee will be made up of the primary decision-makers and stakeholders in the county, which will vary from county to county. The committee should include representatives with a background or involvement in outdoor recreation; this could be as participants or as stakeholders in the development and management of outdoor recreation activities.
The County Outdoor Recreation Committee must include representatives from the Stakeholder Forum to ensure that the wider stakeholders’ views are heard and acted upon.
Guidance on the establishment of County Outdoor Recreation Committees and Stakeholder Forums can be found below.
Guidance on the establishment of County Outdoor Recreation Committees and Stakeholder Forums
County Outdoor Recreation Officers (Pilot)
Six Local Sports Partnerships have been selected to participate in a 3 year pilot which will see an Outdoor Recreation Officer employed in the selected area with funding being provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development. The Outdoor Recreation Officer will work in collaboration with the local authority, local development companies, state agencies and other key stakeholder to support a more coordinated, cohesive approach to outdoor recreation at county level. They will coordinate the development and delivery of the County Outdoor Recreation Strategy to support the sustainable development of outdoor recreation in their county. The position will aim to support and increase the number of people active in the outdoors while ensuring that best practice is implemented. The pilot process is intended to ‘prove the concept’ in advance of possible further rollout.
The 6 Local Sports Partnership that have been selected to participate in the pilot are:
Clare, Longford, Mayo, Meath, Sligo and Waterford
Details of the media release for the announcement of the pilot can be found here : Media release 28th Dec 2023
Contact details for Local Sports Partnerships can be found here: Contact details for Local Sports Partnerships
Q&A’s from the Information Webinar on developing a County Outdoor Recreation Plan
County Outdoor Recreation Plans - Guidelines for Development
Application form for funding for County Outdoor Recreation Plan