Ireland plays an active role in the world and we make valuable contributions to international affairs through our involvement in multilateral organisations and initiatives.
At the heart of our efforts abroad is our simple mission: to promote and protect the values, interests and economic well-being of Ireland and its people.
In an increasingly globalised world, we need to work with other countries who share our common interests on issues such as peace and security, trade and economic development.
Our membership of international organisations like the United Nations and the European Union gives us a voice in the international community and allows us to promote and protect Ireland’s interests abroad.
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Respect for human rights and the promotion of human rights is a cornerstone of Irish foreign policy. Ireland actively adheres to core international and European human rights treaties and strongly supports the strengthening of the regional and multilateral human rights framework.
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The maintenance of peace and security, as enshrined in the UN Charter, is a common goal of Ireland and our EU partners.
Our work towards this goal is based on experience of conflict in Ireland, on well-established policies pursued with our international partners, and by the contribution of our Defence Forces internationally.
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Ireland plays a central role in Europe. We help to shape the EU through our input into economic and social policies. We use our EU membership to make a valuable contribution to world affairs.
We promote and protect Ireland’s interests in the EU through the work of the Department of the Taoiseach, with the co-operation of this Department, its Embassies in Europe and the Permanent Mission to the EU in Brussels.
Read about Ireland in the EU on
Membership of the United Nations has been central to Ireland’s foreign policy since we became a member in 1955. The principles and values enshrined in the UN Charter are those we have always sought to promote and protect, including during our term as a member of the UN Security Council for 2021-2022.
Read about Ireland at the UN on
Ireland is committed to supporting and promoting international peace and security including in the Middle East and North Africa. We are also committed to effectively responding to crises where they emerge.
Read about Middle East and North Africa on
A commitment to the rule of international law is enshrined in the Constitution of Ireland and is one of the core principles of Irish foreign policy. We negotiate on Ireland’s behalf on international legal matters and represent Ireland in international legal proceedings in international fora such as:
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Ireland’s economic renewal is central to our work, both at home and throughout our extensive Embassy network. We are committed to promoting Ireland as a destination for business, investment, tourism and education, to enhancing our economic reputation overseas, and to showcasing our unique cultural heritage.
Read about our work to promote Ireland on
The Global Ireland: Delivering in the Asia Pacific Region to 2025 strategy sets out the milestones in how Ireland will structure and focus its relationship with this increasingly important region in the years ahead.
The strategy was published in January 2020, and was the result of extensive consultation by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade with other departments, the state agencies, civil society, business and academia.
The strategic direction it contains is informed by those consultations, and by the experience of Team Ireland on-the-ground.
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Following the opening of new Embassies in Morocco (2021) and Senegal (2023), Ireland’s diplomatic presence on the continent of Africa has now grown to 14 Embassies from Cairo to Pretoria. This deepening of ties with Africa was envisaged under ‘Global Ireland: Ireland’s Strategy for Africa to 2025’, launched in November 2019.
Read about Ireland and Africa on
We work with the British Government, the Northern Ireland Executive and with civil society to foster reconciliation and develop opportunities for North-South co-operation. Through these efforts, we consolidate the achievements of the Good Friday Agreement and ensure that this island can reach its full potential.
Read about Northern Ireland on
Ireland is lucky to have a diaspora who makes a meaningful contribution to our country, whether they’re building economic development, raising awareness of our culture or creating a positive image of Ireland in their adopted homes. We’re committed to recognising their efforts by engaging with them both practically and strategically.
Read about the Irish disapora on
The Irish Government’s official development aid (ODA) programme works on behalf of Irish people to address poverty, hunger, and inequality in some of the world’s poorest countries and is an integral part of Ireland’s foreign policy.
Go to the Irish Aid website .