Minister McGrath welcomes proposals on a new collective agreement for the public service – Building Momentum – A new Public Service Agreement 2021 - 2022
From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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From Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform
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Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, has today (Friday) welcomed the proposals issued by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) – Building Momentum - Public Service Agreement 2021 - 2022
These proposals would deliver an extension of the framework of public service agreements, including the most recent agreement the Public Service Stability Agreement (2018 - 2020) which is due to expire on December 31st. Minister McGrath paid tribute to his officials from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, union representatives and staff at the WRC, for their extensive work at the Commission.
Minister McGrath said:
"Over the last ten months, we have all been acutely aware of the agility and resourcefulness of staff at every level of the public service in playing their essential part in combatting the impact of Covid-19 and collaborating to mitigate the shock it has brought. It is important to recognise the value of the work of our public servants during this pandemic.
"I am pleased that we have moved beyond the very difficult FEMPI period in to a normalised collective bargaining environment. I believe that these proposals can provide certainty and stability for the Government, public service users and public servants over the coming years.
"The overall cost of this proposed public service pay deal is affordable and the proposals are fair, taking account of both the dedication and experience of public sector workers while recognising the economic challenges which we face as a country.
"We have agreed a progressive approach to the pay element and the lowest paid workers in the public service will benefit from a minimum increase of €500 in both 1 October 2021 and 1 October 2022. I believe the Sectoral Bargaining Fund contained in this agreement, which is designed to deal with certain outstanding sectoral issues, is an innovative and positive development.
"It was a firm objective of the Government to secure agreement to maintain the momentum of reform and change exemplified by the public service during this public health emergency and this has been embedded in the agreement. I acknowledge the positive engagement by unions in this regard. It is my clear view that at the end of this agreement period we will have a stronger, more responsive public sector delivering vital services for the entire country.
"I welcome the comprehensive nature of the proposals including the establishment an independent body to address the issue of additional hours worked under the Haddington Road Agreement.
"I will now take these proposals to Government for approval. I respect the democratic process which will be undertaken by the unions to seek support from their members".
Notes for Editors
The Agreement provides for a pay pause until October 2021.
The Agreement runs from 2021- 2022 and the total cost amounts to €906M spread over 3 calendar years – 2021, 2022 and 2023.
The pay measures in the Agreement are weighted towards those on lower incomes. Public servants will receive a 2% increase (two 1% adjustments or two flat rate payments of €500 whichever is the greater) in basic pay over the period.
The Agreement also provides for a sectoral fund amounting to 1% of basic pay to resolve any outstanding issues.
An independent body will be established to examine the additional hours worked by public servants under the Haddington Road Agreement. A fund of €150m is being established to cover any operational costs that will arise as a result of the recommendations during the lifetime of the Agreement.
The Agreement builds on the momentum of reform and change exemplified by the public service during this public health emergency and allows for on-going co-operation with change and productivity improvements and industrial peace until 2022.
Principal Features of the Agreement:
Pay Measures