Minister Donohoe launches Public Consultation on the OECD International Tax Proposals
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On 1 July 2021, the OECD Inclusive Framework reached agreement but not unanimous consensus on key aspects of the two-pillar solution to address tax challenges arising from digitalisation and globalisation.
Ireland has been clear in expressing our broad support for the agreement but have expressed our reservation in particular about the proposed global minimum effective tax rate of ‘at least 15%’.
Given the importance of the OECD proposals, it is timely to invite views through a public consultation on the OECD proposals. The consultation will be helpful in identifying the challenges and opportunities of the proposals in respect of Ireland’s corporate tax code and broader industrial policy.
Minister Donohoe said:
‘I believe it is in the interest of all concerned to achieve an equitable, ambitious and sustainable agreement at the OECD on the international tax architecture. It is essential as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic that the international tax system provides the necessary certainty and stability to support growth and investment, and Ireland is committed to playing our part in reaching the comprehensive agreement’.
“I am committed to ensuring that Ireland’s tax policy continues to support economic growth and prosperity, and in this respect I would welcome the views of the public and key stakeholders on the key aspects of the OECD proposals”.
The consultation will run until Friday, 10th September. Details of how to engage with the consultation are available in the document.