Minister McConalogue welcomes Report of Seafood Sector Task Force
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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“Navigating Change – The way forward for our Seafood Sector in the wake of the EU/UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement”
The Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, today announced that he has received the final report of the Seafood Sector Task Force that he established in March 2021. The Taskforce examined the impacts on the fishing sector and coastal communities of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom. This final report follows an interim report submitted by the Task Force in June 2021.
The Task Force was chaired by Aidan Cotter, assisted by a steering group of Margaret Daly and Mícheal Ó Cinnéide, and comprised of ten representatives of the fishing sector, representatives of the aquaculture and seafood processing sectors, coastal communities, coastal local authorities and various State enterprise development agencies.
Following receipt of the report, Minister McConalogue said:
“The departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement that was agreed at the end of 2020 have had some profoundly damaging effects for Ireland’s fishing sector and the coastal communities that depend on fishing. Such a once in a generation event required a collective response involving the seafood businesses and coastal communities that are impacted and the full range of State bodies with a role to play in our response. This is why I established the Seafood Sector Task Force in March of this year and after seven months of deliberations by the Task Force, I have today received and welcome its Final Report which charts a way forward for the sector and the coastal communities dependent upon it ”.
Minister McConalogue added:
“I wish to thank Aidan Cotter for his leadership in chairing the Task Force and thank Margaret Daly and Mícheal Ó Cinnéide for their dedication and hard work in assisting Aidan in steering the work of the Task Force. I also wish to sincerely thank all of the members of the Task Force for their constructive engagement with the work of the Task Force and for the many hours and days they put into the process. Lastly, I thank BIM for their hard work as secretariat and I wish to acknowledge the importance of their research and analysis in informing the work of the Task Force”.
Minister McConalogue continued:
“I have asked my Department to urgently examine the report with a view to quickly implementing a comprehensive response to the impacts of the TCA on our fishing sector and coastal communities. The recommended measures will be examined with particular regard to available funds and to the eligibility of the recommended measures for funding under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve, the European, Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund and with other relevant funding sources and with regard to State Aid rules and the Public Spending Code”.
The establishment of the Seafood Sector Taskforce is an Action in the Department’s Action Plan 2021 under the Strategic Goal to ‘Deliver a sustainable, competitive and innovative seafood sector, driven by a skilled workforce, delivering value added products in line with consumer demand’.
The full report of the Seafood Sector Task Force is available here:
Note for Editors
Minister McConalogue established the Task Force in March 2021. The Terms of Reference are below:
Terms of Reference
The Task Force will examine the implications arising from the EU/UK TCA for the Irish Fishing
industry and coastal communities particularly dependent upon it. It will, in particular, outline
initiatives that could be taken to provide supports for development and restructuring so as to
ensure a profitable and sustainable fishing fleet and to identify opportunities for jobs and
economic activity in coastal communities dependent on fishing. The Task Force will consider
how all available funding streams could be used to address, to the extent possible, the
initiatives identified and the State agencies to support those initiatives. The Task Force will
also consider and recommend constructive actions that would help to alleviate the inequitable
relative contribution of quota share by Ireland in the EU/UK Trade and Cooperation
The examination and initiatives identified will relate to:
• the Irish fishing fleet
• the Irish seafood processing industry
• other marine support industries
• coastal communities particularly dependent on the seafood industry.
Work Programme
The Task Force will be charged with producing an interim report within two months of
establishment. This will focus on arrangements for a temporary voluntary fleet tie up scheme,
to counter the impact of the reduction in quotas which will begin to occur from April. The
Task Force will also be charged with producing a full report within four months. This will cover
the arrangements for a voluntary decommissioning scheme or other initiatives to address the
implications of the Trade & Co-operation Agreement and outline other developmental
strategies to strengthen and enhance coastal communities especially dependent on the
seafood industry. It will also review the options and recommend actions that may be pursued
which would assist in reducing the burden on Ireland from the transfers of quota shares to
the UK.
In producing the reports, the Task Force will take account of the possibilities created by all
available funding streams.
Chairperson & Steering Group
The Task Force will consist of a Chairperson, Steering Group and wider Committee of
Members. The Chairperson and two other Members will make up the Steering Group. The
Steering Group as part of the Taskforce, will be responsible for preparing and signing off on
the interim and final report of the Taskforce.
Task Force Steering Committee
Aidan Cotter
Steering Group
Margaret Daly
Michéal O’Cinneide
Task Force Main Committee Membership
One representative each from:
Killybegs Fishermens Organisation,
Irish Fish Producers Organisation,
Irish South & West Fishermans Organisation,
Irish South & East Fishermans Organisation,
Irish Fish Processors & Exporters Organisation,
National Inshore Fisheries Forum,
Fisheries Local Action Groups,
Irish Islands Marine Resource Organisation
IFA Aquaculture
Foyle Fishermen’s Cooperative
Castletownbere Fishermens Cooperative
Clogherhead Fishermen’s Cooperative
Galway & Aran Fishermen’s Cooperative
Irish Local Development Network
Údarás na Gaealtachta
Two Representatives from:
Local Authority Manager’s Association