Our Rural Future: Minister Humphreys announces a ‘Call for Proposals’ for applications to the RRDF – Category 2 Projects
From Department of Rural and Community Development
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From Department of Rural and Community Development
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Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, today (Thursday, 31st October) announced the fourth call for Category 2 applications under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF).
Project proposals under the RRDF should directly deliver on the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First Policy. Under this Call for Proposals, particular attention will be given to applications which have the potential to increase economic activity and support the creation of employment, help revitalise our rural towns and villages, drive greater footfall and address vacancy and dereliction. Such proposals will assist in attracting people back to live in rural areas.
‘Category 2’ RRDF projects are intended to provide funding to allow Project Leads undertake and complete the initial planning, design and technical works required for any large scale project. This sees potential, large scale projects developed to a stage allowing for greater certainty regarding scope, cost and delivery timelines to support for further funding under a ‘Category 1’ RRDF application.
Minister Humphreys said:
“Today I am delighted to open a ‘Call for Proposals’ for Category 2 applications under the RRDF. This funding call represents a further funding opportunity for our rural areas and I am seeking proposals for large-scale, ambitious projects which require development support to enable them to become ready to compete for full capital funding under Category 1 of the RRDF.
“This follows on from my announcement earlier this year when I confirmed RRDF funding of over €164 million for 30 transformative capital projects from the fifth call for Category 1 applications. It is important that we keep this momentum going and continue to fund the development of ambitious projects that have the potential to re-imagine rural Ireland.
“I want to see new projects which match my ambition for rural areas - delivering sustainable growth, greater economic activity and innovative approaches to revitalising our rural towns and villages.”
The Minister continued:
“During my time as Minister for Rural and Community Development and since 2020, I have approved total RRDF funding of over €400 million for projects all over Ireland. These projects are revitalising our rural towns and villages, adressing vacancy and dereliction and providing the essential infrastructure needed by rural communities.
“I have now opened many RRDF projects in counties across Ireland and seen first-hand the huge difference and impact this transformative level of funding is making to communities across the county.”
RRDF Applications to the Fund must be led by a State-funded body - Local Authorities, Local Development Companies, State agencies, commercial State bodies, etc. -
collaboration between parties, including with local communities, is strongly encouraged.
The closing date for the receipt of proposals is 14th of March 2025 . More information on the RRDF is available here
Our Rural Future is the whole-of-government policy for rural Ireland for the period 2021-2025. It offers a blueprint for a thriving and inclusive rural Irelands and adopts a more strategic, ambitious and holistic approach to investing in and maximising opportunities for rural areas.
Rural Regeneration and Development Fund
The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund provides funding for the development and construction of capital projects in towns and villages and rural areas across Ireland. In total, and since its inception in 2018, the RRDF has now provided funding of over €580m for more than 240 projects nationwide.
The RRDF provides investment to support suitable projects in towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000, and outlying areas.
Calls for applications to the Fund are sought under two categories. Category 1 relates to projects with all necessary planning and consents in place and are ready to proceed, while Category 2 relates to projects which require further development to become ready for Category 1 status.
This is the fourth call for applications under the Fund for proposals under Category 2 , which relate to project development and enabling initiatives . Category 2 proposals should address the detailed development of projects which would enable them to reach Category 1 readiness.
The lead party to an application must be a State-funded body. A lead party is permitted to submit a maximum of two applications to this call for Category 2 applications. The closing date for applications is noon on Friday, 14th March 2025.
The twin focus of the fourth call for Category 2 applications is to support projects that can make the best case in relation to: