Statement from the Department of Health - Friday 29 April
From Department of Health
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From Department of Health
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The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 980 PCR-confirmed cases of COVID-19. In addition, on Thursday 28 April, 1,020* people registered a positive antigen test through the HSE portal.
As of 8am today, 378 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised, of whom 39 are in ICU.
From today, the Department of Health will no longer publish daily COVID-19 figures. This information will be updated regularly on Ireland’s COVID-19 data hub.
The department, the HSE, the HPSC and the NVRL, overseen by the Chief Medical Officer, continue to monitor all information relating to the epidemiology of COVID-19. This includes all information relating to case numbers, local outbreaks and associated trends, the emergence and detection of new variants in Ireland and abroad. Regular updates are provided to the Minister for Health. These updates are available here: Weekly report from the Chief Medical Officer to the Minister for Health relating to COVID-19
With the May bank holiday approaching, it is important that we all continue to follow the public health advice to socialise safely and maintain our focus on protecting those most vulnerable to the severe effects of COVID-19, as well as ourselves.
Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 should self-isolate until 48 hours after symptoms have substantially or fully resolved – please do not attend any social events, work, school or college if you have symptoms.
Anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 should self-isolate for 7 days from date of onset of symptoms, or if asymptomatic, date of first positive test. Anyone exiting self-isolation at day seven should continue to adhere to other public health protective measures.
Mask wearing is advised on public transport and in healthcare settings. Mask wearing is also advised based on individual risk assessment, particularly while disease incidence is high. Anyone who wishes to wear a mask should not be discouraged from doing so. Individuals who are vulnerable to COVID-19 are further advised to be aware of the risk associated with activities they may choose to engage in and to take measures to optimally protect themselves. Vulnerable individuals are advised to consider wearing masks in crowded indoor settings, such as may relate, for example, to social gatherings or other activities and events.
Continue to practise good hand and respiratory hygiene by washing and sanitising hands regularly and coughing/sneezing into your elbow. Maintain a physical distance where possible.
Meet up outdoors if possible. When meeting indoors, avoid poorly ventilated spaces and keep windows open.
Many people who were infected with COVID-19 over the Christmas period will now be eligible for a first booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Book a first booster appointment on if you are 12 years or older. People aged 65 years and over are now eligible for their second COVID-19 booster vaccine. Those with a weak immune system aged 12 and over can also get their second booster, when it is due. It is not too late to receive a primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines remain the most effective way of protecting ourselves from the worst effects of COVID-19.
*These data are provisional and are not directly comparable with laboratory PCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases registered through the HSE Covid Care Tracker.
Data on the epidemiology of COVID-19 cases and deaths is available on the HPSC’s Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Ireland data hub.
Additional data on vaccination, hospital, ICU and local electoral areas is available on Ireland’s COVID-19 data hub.
See the latest public health advice.