Solar Planning Exemptions
From Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
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From Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
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The Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 and the supporting Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022 came into effect on 5 October 2022. The regulations combine to provide updated provisions regarding planning exemptions for rooftop solar installations.
The Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 set out the various classes of exemptions and the conditions and limitations which apply to these classes.
The classes of exemptions are:
The Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022 set out 43 Solar Safeguarding Zones (SSZs). A SSZ is an area around an airport, aerodrome or helipad in which there is a potential for glint or glare from solar panels to impact aviation safety. A square metre limit on rooftop solar panels applies within these zones.
There is no rooftop limit on houses, regardless of whether the house is located within or outside of an SSZ. Houses and developments located outside of an SSZ are able to erect unlimited rooftop solar panels.
The SSZs are applicable to all classes of development other than houses. Rooftop developments within an SSZ are limited to 300sqm for each rooftop within the curtilage of the development. Applicants in SSZs can seek planning permission for proposals larger than 300sqm Applicants should contact their local planning authority in this regard.
All exemptions are subject to certain conditions and limitations such as minimum distances from the edge of the roof and the general restrictions on exempted development in respect of protected structures and Architectural Conservation Areas.
The SSZs are also available for viewing on the Myplan website
Copies of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 and the supporting Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022 are available on the Irish Statute Book website.
For information on grants, contact the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland .
A copy of the SEA and AA Documentation associated with these Regulations is available below including the SEA Environmental Report and SEA Statement.
Solar Panels Exempted Development Regulations - SEA Statement
Solar Panels Exempted Development Regulations - SEA Environmental Report