Period poverty refers to inadequate access to menstrual hygiene, including period products (for example, sanitary towels and tampons), washing, waste management facilities and education. Adverse consequences include recurrent exclusion from activities of daily life (for example, school, work, sports or social activities) during menstruation and health impacts resulting from exclusion and use of unsuitable period products.
The Period Poverty in Ireland Discussion Paper was published in February, 2021 and can be accessed here .
The Government has agreed to support the recommendations of the Discussion Paper.
The Department of Health established an inter-Departmental Period Poverty Implementation Group in 2021, with representation from across Government to co-ordinate implementation. The Group meets 2-3 times yearly.
Key recommendations include:
The Office of Government Procurement established a new Framework to supply cleaning, paper, personal hygiene, and period equality products; this can be accessed by public bodies through the Buyer Zone on the OGP website. The Framework includes re-usable and sustainable product options as well as well-known pad and tampon brands.
Menstrual health and period poverty questions were included in the Healthy Ireland Survey 2022 and Health Behaviours in School-Aged Children Study 2022 .
The Department of Health and HSE have been allocated funding for period poverty mitigation through the health sector and its partnerships. The most urgent focus is on reaching those most in need (for example, those living with addiction or homelessness, minorities including Travellers and Roma, and those experiencing consistent poverty.
This is being undertaken via partnerships with the HSE National Social Inclusion Office and regional health areas and separately, in collaboration between the Department of Health and local authorities, the Family Resource Centre National Forum, and other community partners.
Enquiries regarding the Department of Health scheme can be emailed to
HSE web based resources can be accessed here
HSE clinical guidance on periods and conditions linked to the menstrual cycle can be accessed here