Education and Training
From International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS)
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From International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS)
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The education system in Ireland operates on an inclusive basis in keeping with our obligations under the Constitution, National and International Law. Legislation relevant to the education sector, such as the Education Act 1998, the Education Welfare Act, 2000 and the Education for Persons with Special Education Needs Act, 2004 clearly sets out principles of equality. The Education Welfare Act 2000 requires all children between the ages of 6 and 16 (or who have received fewer than three years’ education at post-primary level, whichever is the later) to attend school or otherwise receive an education.
All immigrant children, including children of International Protection applicants, refugees, migrant workers and unaccompanied minors can access pre-school, which is overseen by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). The above categories can also access first and second level education, which is overseen by the Department of Education. In both cases, this is in a manner similar to Irish nationals, until they have reached the age of 18 years.
The Department of Education has seconded an official to the International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS), which is the DCEDIY, whose role includes overseeing education provision for children of International Protection applicants who are residing in Accommodation Centres for International Protection applicants. The Department of Education secondee can advise schools on specific queries arising, including on the range of supports available to schools and on how to access supports.
Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) has assigned an Educational Welfare Officer to DCEDIY to assist with school enrolments and attendance. TESS works collaboratively with schools and other relevant services to secure better educational outcomes for children and young people. In addition, the local TESS Educational Welfare Officers are available to provide support and guidance to parents in relation to securing schools places and the Section 29 appeals process. The Department of Education and TESS secondees can be contacted at
Primary and post-primary education is mainstreamed; that is, access to mainstream primary and post-primary school for children of International Protection applicants is available from all Accommodation Centres. Parents and guardians are assisted by the centre manager and where necessary the local Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) is to source school places for children of school going age.