Further information on the Contact Centres – Phone Services Customer Satisfaction Survey
From Department of Social Protection
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From Department of Social Protection
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All of our callers today are being asked if they would like to participate in an upcoming Customer Satisfaction survey.
Your mobile number will be used to send you a text in the coming days which will allow you to opt out of the survey in case you change your mind. Your number will also be used by IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes to phone you to ask you the survey questions.
The survey will take place in a few weeks’ time. You may or may not be contacted as the selection will be random.
IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes would phone you on the mobile number and ask you questions from the survey.
We’ve asked a survey company, IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes, to find out about your experiences with our phone service.
You do not have to take part in this survey. Participation is entirely voluntary and you can opt out at any stage.
We need to understand how our customers find the Department of Social Protection’s phone service. We want to find out what’s good and bad about it so we can ensure that we provide a quality phone service to you. We would really appreciate it if you would agree to answer the survey questions and let us know your experience.
The survey will only take a few minutes, no more than ten (10) minutes.
Not at all. Your answers can’t affect any current or future claim you might have with the Department in any way.
The Department would only provide IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes with your name and phone number and the contact centre you phoned. They do not get any other information.
Once the survey is done, your details are deleted from the records of IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes.
The anonymised results are given to us and we publish all our anonymised customer survey results on our website gov.ie. This means that only statistics are included, no names or identifying details. IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes will break down the results, for example, to get the satisfaction scores for males and females, or for those under 30 and over 45 years old, etc.
All the results will be anonymised; they would not be linked to you.
Yes, the Department can contact customers for research purposes once other requirements in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Irish Data Protection Acts are met. IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes are contracted agents of the Statistics Unit of the Department for this survey.
The Department and IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes have a Data Processing agreement in place. This means that, by law, IPSOS Behaviour & Attitudes can only use your data for the purposes of this survey. It also means they have to keep your data safe and secure at all times. Your answers are totally private and confidential – they can’t affect any current or future claim you might have with the Department in any way. You do not have to take part in this survey.
You can look at the Department’s Privacy Statement on our website.
For more information on the survey, you can email us at:
CustomerSatisfactionSurvey@welfare.ie or see our website at: www.gov.ie/dsp/surveys