50534 (11 November 2022)
From Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme
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From Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme
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File Reference - 50534
Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal
Applicant: [ ]
Date of incident: [ ]
Date application received: [ ]
The Applicant was born on the [ ] and therefore was [ ] years old at the date of the incident. The application was not received until the [ ] which is just outside the 3 month time-limit imposed by the Scheme. However, the Applicant is not precluded from making an application in this instance as he was under 18 years of age when the application was made. The Garda report in respect of the incident records that the Applicant and his friend were talking and a scuffle ensued over a piece of paper. This scuffle resulted in the Applicant being pushed over a table and being hit to the mouth by [ ]. This altercation resulted in the Applicant suffering a cut to his lip and damage to his two front teeth. Following the incident the Applicant attended [ ] Healthcare Centre and a Dr [ ] and a Dr [ ]. As a result of the incident the Applicant will require teeth to be replaced. Pursuant to the terms of the Scheme the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal may award compensation for special damages incurred as a result of personal injuries sustained in a criminal act. In the instant case the Applicant has not submitted any vouchers showing any expenditure on dental care and/or a bill for future dental care as a result of the incident. In the circumstances the Tribunal makes no award.
Dated 11 November 2022
Signed: Mema Byrne BL