Category: Other
Reference: FOI Request 19/202
1) The dates each Irish Ambassador have been allocated to their current Embassy and when the term at each Embassy is due to end eg Irish Ambassador to Finland started at that Embassy in January 2016 and is due to finish at the Embassy in January 2020 etc.
2) The dates each Irish Consulate General have been allocated to their current Consulate General Office and when the term at the Consulate General Office is due to finish eg Irish Consulate General in New York started at the Consulate in August 2016 and due to finish at Consulate in August 2020
3) The criteria used to decide the location of Each Ambassador and Consulate General when the posts are due to filled; Who have final say in deciding the locations eg Secretary General of DFAT or Minister.
Date: June 26, 2019
Replied: July 26, 2019