Creating new habits can be hard. It takes time and there are bound to be some bumps on the road. Follow our simple advice below to get you started.
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1. Do it regularly/be consistent If you want to make a habit stick, you need to do it regularly. Habits form faster when we do them more often. The more consistent your habit is, the easier it will be to stick.
eg: if you want to start exercising, plan it for a certain time and stick to that time every day.
2. Start simple/be specific Don’t try to completely change your life in one day. Make one small change and go from there - this way you'll be more likely to stick to it. And be specific. Saying “I will exercise every day” is less likely to work than “I will walk for 30 minutes every day before work”.
eg: if you’re planning on eating healthier start with adding a piece of fruit to your lunch.
3. Monitor yourself Keeping track of every time you practice your new habit can motivate you and make you more likely to continue. Ticking that box after you’ve completed it will give you a massive boost. It is also rewarding to be able to look back and see what progress you’ve made.
4. Get a friend involved/Find your tribe Ask a friend to go along with you. You will be able to motivate and support each other on those tougher days, and make the good days sweeter. Seek out groups or communities that share your interests. Spending time with people with similar habits will keep your motivation up, and even help to progress your goals. eg: find a local running or walking group, join a yoga class, or an online cooking forum.
5. Connect it to another habit It can be easier to form a new habit if you connect it to an existing one. For example if you want to walk more why not connect the goal to your work commute? You could start by getting off the bus one stop earlier and walking the rest of the way.
6. Clear the way/Be prepared Make sure your environment won’t get in the way of you achieving your goal. Get any treat foods out of sight and make sure there are lots of healthy snacks to hand. Try leaving out your walking gear or runners the night before. Whatever it is, the more prepared you are the more likely you are to succeed.
7. Reward yourself/Be kind to yourself Forming new habits is hard. If you’ve stuck to your habit for a full week, reward yourself with something you really enjoy. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go according to plan straight away. It takes time and there are bound to be bumps on the road. Dust yourself off and go again.