SONC Part 3: Children's Outcomes
From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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This section provides information on children’s health outcomes; educational outcomes; and social, emotional and behavioural outcomes. This includes, for example, smoking, alcohol and cannabis use, births to teenage girls, health conditions and hospitalisation, educational attainment, and self-reported happiness.
Data are drawn from the CSO (Vital Statistics); the Health Behaviour of School aged Children (HBSC) surveys; the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) surveys; the National Intellectual Disability Database; the National Physical and Sensory Disability Database; the National Perinatal Reporting System; the Healthcare Pricing Office; the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative; the National Suicide Research Foundation; the Department of Education (DE); DCEDIY; and Tusla.
Accessing Data: In line with the government’s Open Data Initiative, much of the data is now available in an open, machine-readable format. The majority of the data is housed in the Central Statistics Office’s (CSO) PxStat system. In recent publications, click on the heading of each table and figure to access the data source.