Public consultation on the Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy
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Consultation is closed
Thank you for sharing your views on the EV Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2022 – 2025. Responses and submissions received as part of this consultation are being considered in the development of the final Strategy for publication. Any queries in relation to this consultation and the draft strategy can be emailed to
Eamon Ryan, Minister for Transport, has published the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2022-25, which is available below for download, and this draft is now open for public consultation prior to finalisation of the strategy by the Department of Transport later this year.
The Department of Transport will finalise its strategy on EV charging infrastructure in Q3 and is keen to receive feedback from the public on this draft.
The Minister for Transport invites members of the public to take part in this consultation, consisting of both closed and open questions, in order to make their views known on this draft strategy, which lays out a pathway for the development of EV charging infrastructure over the crucial period out to 2025.
Interested members of the public can read the draft strategy by downloading it below.
The closing date for taking part in the public consultation is 5pm on Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2022-2025
Respondents are advised that the department is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014, and the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007-2014, and Data Protection legislation.
Personal, confidential or commercially sensitive information should not be included in your response, and it will be presumed that all information contained therein is releasable under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
Responses will be reviewed by the appointed consultants, KPMG, who will prepare a detailed report for the Department of Transport.
The department will review that report and the key themes that it identifies as emerging from the public’s responses will be carefully considered when the strategy is finalised in Q3 of 2022. That final strategy will be published on the department’s website in Q3 of this year.
Please note that while responses are anonymous, they, along with any submissions to the above email address, will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection legislation.
• This is a public consultation and the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) legislation apply.
• To ensure privacy, any personal information you give this department will be protected under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/67 and the Data Protection Act 2018.
• You can read the Department’s Privacy Statement here.
• You can view the Department’s Data Protection page which outlines how and when the Department collects personal data, why it is collected and how the information is treated. It also explains your rights in relation to the collection of personal information and how you can exercise those rights.
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