Offers of employment, support or accommodation
From Department of the Taoiseach
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From Department of the Taoiseach
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If you have a vacancy you can advertise it free of charge on our dedicated recruitment website At JobsIreland we aim to help people to get jobs and help employers connect with the right people.
The service is part of Intreo – the Public Employment Service from the Department of Social Protection. It is easy to use and free of charge. You can register on the website, by email at or by phone at 0818 111 112. Once your company is registered, you can start to place ads for your vacancies.
An online platform for businesses to pledge offers of supplies and services to help Ireland’s humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis has been set up by the government.
An online form will capture business offers to supply or donate goods or services into a central register to help with the humanitarian effort. Please note, this register is intended for business offers only. Although all offers of supplies and services are hugely welcome, please be aware that not all offers of assistance may be required or be suitable to be called upon.
For more information, please visit: Ireland’s humanitarian response to Ukraine crisis - How businesses can help
Supports are in place to assist Ukrainians who are seeking the recognition of their qualifications in Ireland.
The academic and professional recognition of qualifications can enable Ukrainians based in Ireland to pursue employment opportunities, to practice their professions of choice, or to avail of new educational opportunities.
Advice on the academic recognition of foreign qualifications can be obtained through NARIC Ireland, a free service hosted and operated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).
QQI is the state agency responsible for promoting the quality, integrity and reputation of Ireland’s further and higher education system.
This service compares foreign qualifications to major award types and levels on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), which sets foreign qualifications clearly into an Irish context. QQI’s NARIC database lists a number of Ukrainian qualifications including general professional, further education, and higher education qualifications. If a qualification is not currently listed, a request can be made to NARIC Ireland who will provide this information if possible. NARIC Ireland is working with the wider NARIC network across Europe to expand the list of Ukrainian qualifications currently available.
A guide to NARIC has been translated into Ukrainian and has also been made available in a wide range of other languages.
If a profession is regulated in Ireland, the recognition of foreign qualifications must be completed by the relevant national competent authority with responsibility for that profession. This is a key step before a qualification holder may practice that profession. Examples of such professions in Ireland include Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Electrical Contractors and Architects.
A person seeking to practice a regulated profession is advised to engage with the relevant competent authority with responsibility for that profession in order to familiarise themselves with the regulatory requirements in Ireland and to apply for the recognition of their qualifications.
A list of regulated professions in Ireland alongside the contact information for each competent authority is available on the government’s website:
As part of the Whole of Government Humanitarian Response, DCEDIY are pleased to announce an improved and streamlined process, through which providers can submit commercial offers of accommodation to support those fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Full details on how to submit an offer click here.
When your offer of commercial accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BOTPs) from Ukraine has been approved, and a signed contract is in place, you are contractually required to send a weekly register to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). Failure to do so may impact on your payments under the contract.
The weekly registers provide information to DCEDIY on the number of BOTPs in your property, if any BOTPs have departed your property in the preceding week, and the number of vacant beds you currently have.
You must send the register each week to the DCEDIY Ukraine Registers mailbox Vacancies from the weekly registers of over 800 accommodation providers are captured each week, processed, and made available to the teams allocating accommodation for BOTPs.
This mailbox is the only mechanism for notifying DCEDIY of vacancies in contracted accommodation for the BOTP programme. Please note that you cannot fill any vacancies yourself. Vacancies can only be filled by DCEDIY. Accommodation providers must not contact new arrivals to the country directly with offers of accommodation. This is confusing and misleading to BOTPs and you will not be paid by DCEDIY for accommodation provided to new arrivals in this way.
Also note that you cannot move BOTPs between properties. All moves must be authorised by DCEDIY. Where a BOTP requests a change in accommodation or family reunification, they must seek sanction from DCEDIY via the mailbox
As vacancies are utilised based on need, taking into account location and room type, it may take some time to fill the vacancies you have but sending in your register on time, to the correct mailbox, allows your vacancies to be recorded and included in the planning of BOTP accommodation. Some vacancies cannot be filled for a variety of reasons, such as, for example, the room configuration is unsuitable; there are ongoing discussions between DCEDIY and the provider regarding contractual requirements; or the vacancies offered exceed the agreed contracted capacity.
If you have further beds available, outside of the beds already contracted with DCEDIY, the correct route to have these beds utilised for the Ukraine response is to put these additional beds through the offers portal at the attached link here