Gender Equality: National Policy and Strategies
From Gender Equality; Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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From Gender Equality; Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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Gender equality is promoted and advanced in Ireland under a whole-of-government policy framework provided by the National Strategy for Women and Girls 2017-2020 (NSWG), which has been extended for a further year to end 2021. The Strategy reflects the priorities of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, following the National Plan for Women 2002 and the National Women's Strategy 2007-2016, is the latest policy framework adopted to support Ireland’s implementation of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
In the 2020 Programme for Government, “Our Shared Future”, the government has committed to developing and implementing a new Strategy for Women and Girls.
As the National Strategy for Women and Girls 2017 – 2020 has concluded, the Department has begun the development of its successor strategy. It is intended that this successor strategy will build upon the progress made by its predecessor, further expanding the ability of women and girls to participate as fully equal members in Irish society.
Public consultations will take place throughout 2024 seeking input from members of the public regarding gender equality today in Ireland. As part of this public consultation an online survey, designed in collaboration with the research and polling company, IPSOS B&A, has been launched and will remain available online until October 14th. It is intended that the insights gathered will form part of a report which will inform the design of the new National Strategy for Women and Girls.
The Department has started the consultation phase for the development of the next National Strategy for Women and Girls. The consultation includes an online survey, public in-person consultations, online consultations with marginalised and hard to reach groups, and a National Youth Assembly on Gender Equality – ‘What does Equality look like in the lives of Girls and Boys’.
Further details on the online survey available: here.
When the previous National Women's Strategy concluded at the end of 2016, in line with a commitment in the 2016 Programme for a Partnership Government the Department of Justice and Equality undertook a public consultation process which informed the preparation of a new National Women's Strategy for the period from 2017 to 2020. Contributions from public meetings were compiled in a summary report, and along with the written submissions received, were submitted to the Strategy Committee which advised on the development of the new Strategy by the Department of Justice and Equality.
The new National Strategy for Women and Girls 2017-2020 was adopted by Government, and launched at an event in Dublin Castle on 3 May 2017 by the Tánaiste, Ms Frances Fitzgerald TD, and the Minister of State with special responsibility for Equality, Immigration and Integration, Mr David Stanton TD.
Implementation of the Strategy is overseen by a Committee chaired by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and which includes women’s groups, civil society actors, the trade union movement and business representatives, and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, the national equality body.
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The National Women's Strategy 2007-2016 was launched in April 2007, following an extensive collaboration between government departments and a consultative process with the social partners and the National Women's Council of Ireland. It was developed as a national policy to implement the Beijing Platform for Action developed at the Fourth World Conference of Women. The Strategy was the key policy document in relation to the advancement of women in Irish society, across all facets of the economy and society, adopted by the then government.
The overarching aim of the Strategy was: An Ireland where all women enjoy equality with men and can achieve their full potential, while enjoying a safe and fulfilling life. The Strategy contained 20 key objectives and over 200 planned actions which together aimed to achieve this vision, grouped under three key themes: equalising socio-economic opportunity for women; ensuring the well-being of women; and engaging women as equal and active citizens.
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Ireland’s programme to advance the situation of women across the twelve critical areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action was presented to the UN in 2002 in the form of the National Plan for Women.
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A Commission on the Status of Women in Ireland was established by the government in March 1970, with Dr Thekla Beere as chair, to examine and report on the status of women in Irish society, to make recommendations on the steps necessary to ensure the participation of women on equal terms and conditions with men in the political, social, cultural and economic life of the country and to indicate the implications generally, including the estimated cost, of such recommendations. The Commission provided two reports to Government. The first, submitted in August 1971 to the Minister for Finance, focused on the matter of equal pay. The second report was submitted in December 1972 and published in 1973. In all, the Commission made 49 recommendations and suggestions for action.
The Second Commission on the Status of Women was appointed by Government in November 1990, chaired by Justice Mella Carroll. Its terms of reference included to review the implementation of the recommendations of the first Commission on the Status of Women, to consider and make recommendations on means, including positive action measures, for ensuring equal participation of women and men. The Commission submitted its first statement to Government in 1991, followed in January 1993 by its final report, which included 210 recommendations. A Monitoring Committee, chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Equality and Law Reform, Bernard McDonagh, was established by Government to consider the recommendations and address their implementation, and produced a first progress report in 1994 and a second progress report in 1996.
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The reports of both Commissions are available online from the Oireachtas Library and Research Service.