Category: Journalist
Reference: FOI Request 19/045
All records, information and details held in the department in relation to the air travel costs of the department for 2018. These to include, but not be limited to, records relating to the following:
A breakdown of all the travel undertaken in 2018 that make up the costs referred to the following information published by the Department:
The airline costs incurred by Ministers and staff of the Department, across both Votes, in the year ending 31 December 2018, including in the network of overseas Missions, was €2,650,469.
I would also like to get the comparable figure for airline costs in the years 2011 to 2017 inclusive.
May I ask for the 2018 information to be presented in tabular form showing expenditure by each month.
May I ask for a further breakdown of the 2018 information in tabular form showing each individual trip costs and the persons (or department rank/position) availing of flights on each trip.
Date: January 25, 2019
Replied: February 27, 2019