Healthy eating is really important to look after our general health and keep ourselves well. It is safe to say that many of us have indulged in more treats than usual over the past eighteen months. Resetting our routines into healthier versions can be tricky. Here are some simple tips to get you going.
You can find more videos from our Let's Get Set series here
You can find more Healthy Ireland healthy eating guidelines here
We all have busy lives, some of us are raising families, working full-time and there are many other competing responsibilities. Whatever your circumstances, getting tasty nutritious meals to the table quickly can be a daily challenge.
Batch cooking is a great way to get tasty nutritious meals on the table every day in the least amount of time. Setting aside time each week to cook a few meals, or simply making double the amount when you do cook and freezing whatever is leftover can save you time and money later on in the week.
Safefood have some great tips on batch cooking here
Fresh produce is almost always the best option, but when it is not available there are plenty of healthy alternatives that are easy to store and prepare e.g tinned and frozen foods. Make sure your store cupboard is stocked with key everyday ingredients, for example pasta, rice, and eggs.
Safefood have lots of recipes for really nutritious, simple meals here
When making your healthy eating plan make sure to include 2-3 healthy snacks per day, but don’t cut out treat foods completely. A little now and then is okay.
You will find more tips and information at