Applications forms are required for a variety of road functions, which are available below:
A Road Opening Licence is required for any works to be carried out in a public area e.g. footpath, grass, open space, parks etc. Applications for Road Opening Licenses can be applied through the MRL website
Temporary Road Closures are required to facilitate road works, road races, festivals etc. Completed application forms must be submitted 5 weeks prior to the road closure. Advertisement costs must be covered by the applicant.
A Hoarding Licence is required to facilitate building works and to ensure safety for the public. Completed application forms must be submitted 3 weeks prior to works commencing.
A licence is required to authorise the use of advertisement signs/structures or tables on public roads, (aka Directional Signs). Completed application forms must be submitted for assessment.
A Special Permit is required by any haulage vehicles which are considered to be either Wide, Long or Heavy and travelling on the roads in South Dublin County Council administrative area. Completed application forms must be submitted 7 day prior to commencement of the journey.
South Dublin County Council’s fee for the TIC/Change of Address letters is €88.00.
Requests can be posted to:
Roads Maintenance Section,
South Dublin County Council,
County Hall Tallaght,
Dublin 24, D24 A3XC
Map with the property clearly marked must be also enclosed.
Traffic Calming Measures (Ramps ONLY) Application Form
Traffic Calming Measures (excluding Ramps) Application Form