Wild Game Meat
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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Suppliers of wild game meat to establishments approved by the department must complete a Wild Game Intake Document. One document can be used for a number of wild game but only when they were shot by the same hunter in the same locality within a reasonable timeframe such as a day's shoot.
The hunter must complete the first part of the document at the time of killing. The second part of the document is to be completed by a trained person. For regular suppliers of wild game, a duplicate book will be made available by Approved Game Handling Establishments. This allows a copy to be presented to the game handling establishment and a copy to be retained by the hunter.
Untrained hunters should tick the box for "No, and a trained person isn't in a position to sign the declaration" and leave the second part of the document blank. In the case of wild deer, the untrained hunter must present the document along with the whole deer including the head and all viscera (internal organs), except for the stomach and intestines, to the Game Handling Establishment.
Provision is also made on the intake document where the hunter is untrained, but is accompanied by a trained person. Where a member of the hunting party is a trained person who has observed the wild game prior to shooting and conducted an examination of the body and viscera after killing, they can sign the Trained Person section of the document. The hunter must still complete the first section.
The third section of the document is completed by the person presenting the wild game to the Game Handling Establishment. This person may be either the hunter or an intermediary presenting the wild game on behalf of the hunter.
In accordance with EU Food Hygiene Regulations people who hunt wild game with a view to placing it on the market for human consumption must be trained to undertake an initial examination of wild game on the spot.
Trained persons having completed a training course will have received instruction as part of their training on how to fill out the trained person declaration. Currently there is one training course approved in the state provided by the NARGC.
Wild deer which have passed an examination by a trained person need not be accompanied by the head and viscera (internal organs) to the game handling establishment.
Trained persons must tag the wild deer body at the time of the kill with an approved Trained Person Tag that is a specific colour with the trained person's certification number and a unique body number on it. This is then filled in on the Intake Document before presentation to the Game Handling Establishment. Trained persons should keep a log of all wild deer bodies they tag and their use or who they are supplied to. Copies of the Intake Document fulfil this requirement.
The intake document must be completed for presentation along with the game to the game handling establishment. If abnormal characteristics are found during the examination, abnormal behaviour was observed before killing, or environmental contamination is suspected, the trained person must note these on the intake document.
To ensure traceability of the small wild game the batch must be identified by a trained person tag and the number entered on the intake document. The details of the wild game in the batch (species, number and so on) are then entered on the intake document. Trained persons should keep a log of all wild game bodies they shot and their use or who they are supplied to. Copies of the Intake Document fulfil this requirement.
The department has provided guidance on completing the intake form.
The intake form can be downloaded below:
WGI1 - Wild Game Intake Document
The intake document can be used for a number of wild game bodies, but only when they were shot in the same locality within a reasonable timeframe.