Parent’s Benefit is a scheme payable to parents who take parent’s leave from work. It is available in respect of any child born or placed with their adoptive parents from 1 November 2019.
Parent’s Benefit provides nine weeks payment to each parent of a child aged under two years, or in the two years following an adoption, who is on Parent’s Leave from work to care for their child and covered by social insurance (PRSI).
Parents can take 9 weeks together or take separate weeks of leave.
This is in addition to the existing Maternity Benefit and Paternity Benefit.
Parent’s Benefit is a payment for employed and self-employed people who:
The PRSI classes that count for Parent’s Benefit are A, B, C, D, E, H and S (self-employed)
It is available for any child born or adopted on or after 1 November 2019.
Parent’s Benefit can be paid for either nine consecutive weeks or nine separate weeks within the first two years of your child’s life.
You can receive Parent’s Benefit at any time within the two years following the birth or adoption placement.
You must apply for Parent’s Benefit within six months of taking your Parent’s Leave.
To qualify for Parent’s Benefit, you must currently be in insurable employment or self-employment and you must have paid sufficient pay related social insurance (PRSI) contributions.
If you have received Maternity Benefit, Adoptive Benefit, or Paternity Benefit for your child, you will automatically satisfy the PRSI contributions requirements for your Parent’s Benefit.
If you are an employee , you must have:
If you do not meet these PRSI conditions and you were in insurable self-employment before starting insurable employment as an employee, you may use your PRSI contributions (Class S) from that self-employment to qualify for Parent’s Benefit – see PRSI conditions for self-employed people below.
You are awarded credited contributions, or credits, automatically when you are getting Parent’s Benefit. Credits are awarded at the same rate as your last paid contribution. These credits help protect your future entitlement to social welfare benefits and pensions. Further information on credited contribution or credits is available here.
If you were previously in insurable employment in a country covered by EU Regulations, you may combine your insurance record in that country with your Irish PRSI contributions to help you qualify for Parent’s Benefit in Ireland. You must be currently in insurable employment in Ireland and have paid your most recent PRSI contribution in Ireland. More information is available on combining your social insurance contributions from abroad here.
If you are self-employed , you must be in insurable employment and have:
If you do not meet these PRSI conditions and you were in insurable employment before becoming self-employed, you can use your PRSI contributions in that employment to qualify for Parent’s Benefit – see PRSI conditions for employed people above.
If you are in insurable self-employment, you are not automatically awarded credited contributions or credits when you are getting Parent's Benefit.
Further information on credited contribution or credits is available here.
Parent’s Benefit is currently €289 a week for nine weeks. Parent’s Benefit can be paid in separate weekly blocks or can be paid over a consecutive 9 week period.
Parent’s Benefit is paid directly into your current or deposit account at your bank or building society. It cannot be paid into a mortgage account.
Your employer may continue to pay you in full when you are on parent’s leave. They may require you to have your Parent’s Benefit paid to them, and you can choose to do this.
If you are already on certain social welfare payments, you may get half-rate Parent’s Benefit.
If you have dependents, you may be able to get a higher rate of Parent’s Benefit. When you apply, your rate of Parent’s Benefit (excluding increases for dependents) is compared to the rate of Illness Benefit (including increases for dependents) that would be paid to you if you were absent from work through illness. The higher of the two rates is paid to you.
If you pay tax, you will have to pay tax on Parent’s Benefit. You will not have to pay the Universal Social Charge (USC) or PRSI.
The quickest way to apply for Parent’s Benefit is online at You must have a verified MyGovID account to use
You will need your child’s Personal Public Service (PPS) Number to complete the application.
If you are unable to apply online, the Parent’s Benefit application form can be requested from the Parent’s Benefit Section by email.
Mothers of children born on or after 1 November 2019 can only avail of their entitlement to Parents Benefit after their Maternity Benefit has ended.
If a Mother chooses to take unpaid Maternity leave after their Maternity Benefit, they can only avail of their entitlement to Parents Benefit after their unpaid leave has expired.
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