Re-imports of Animal Products
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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The owner, or a representative of the owner, of a consignment of products of animal origin, composite products, animal by-products and derived products returning to the Union following refusal of entry by a third country or for commercial reasons must apply in advance of arrival for an authorisation to present a consignment for re-import (Vet14).
No attempt should be made to re-import a consignment until a VET 14 has been issued.
A VET14 Re-import Authorisation is not required in the following cases:
(a) goods returning to the Union from the United Kingdom through a border control post in Ireland
(b) goods returning to the Union through a border control post in another Member State
(c) goods returning to the Union with a place of destination in another Member State (including Northern Ireland)
Although a Vet14 licence is not required for goods returning to the Union from the United Kingdom through a border control post in Ireland the following requirements must still be met.
1. Pre-notification directly to the competent authority at the BCP of re-entry 24 hours in advance via DAFM's Imports Portal .
2. Pre-notification to the BCP of re-import 24 hours in advance by submitting part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P) on TRACES NT. A separate CHED-P is required for each consignment or partial consignment being re-imported.
3. Submission of the completed relevant documents to the BCP as detailed in the sections below, depending on the reason for return of the product;
4. Official controls at the BCP and official controls at the establishment of return are applicable to re-imports from the UK.
The following documents are required for consignments returning to the Union after being refused entry to a Third Country by the competent authority in that country.
• original health certificate or other documents if health certificate not issued;
• the export documentation (e.g. invoice, packing list, bill of lading) or a copy officially endorsed of such export documentation, and;
• If the goods were unloaded in a third country and the original seal is not intact , an official declaration of the competent authority or of other public authorities of the third country confirming:
(a) the reason for the refusal of entry;
(b) the place and date of unloading and re-loading in the third country;
(c) the consignment did not undergo any handling other than unloading, storage and re-loading;
(d) the unloading and re-loading of the products of animal origin and composite products was handled hygienically to avoid cross contamination;
(e) the products of animal origin and composite products were stored under hygienic conditions and at the required temperature for the relevant types of goods;
(f) effective measures were put in place to avoid the contamination of the products of animal origin with disease agents which cause transmissible animal diseases listed in Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 during the unloading, storage and re-loading in the third country; and
(g) the place of any unloading, storage and re-loading in the third country was not subject to animal health movement restrictions due to transmissible animal diseases listed in Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 during the unloading, storage and re-loading in the third country.
• If the containers or packages have an intact original seal , a declaration by the operator responsible for the consignment (RE-IMP-1) stating
(a) the reason for the refusal of entry by the third country;
(b) the transport has taken place under conditions appropriate for the type of products of animal origin and composite products, and
(c) the contents of the consignment were not altered during the transport
•A RE-IMP-4 if applicable
• In some circumstances additional documents may be requested by Animal Product Imports
RE-IMP-1 Declaration of owner or representative of owner: return of products of animal origin and composite products with an intact original seal following refusal of entry by a third country
The documents should be sent to: along with the Vet14 application to initiate the re-import application being processed. In the 3 specific cases detailed in the section above, these documents must be submitted 24 hours in advance via DAFM's Imports Control Web Portal .
The consignment must be pre-notified 24 hours in advance to the BCP of re-import using part 1 of the CHED form on TRACES NT.
If your product is returned for commercial reasons, such as accidental purchases, receiving wrong product, quality issue, or economic reasons, you must include the following:
- Original health certificate or other documents if health certificate not issued, and;
- the export documentation (e.g. invoice, packing list, bill of lading) or a copy officially endorsed of such export documentation, and;
- a completed RE-IMP2 form form (Declaration of owner or representative of owner: return of products of animal origin and composite products for commercial reasons (other than following refusal of entry by a third country)).
There are two options to correctly complete the section of this form marked ‘Declaration by Importer’ ;
• If the goods were unloaded and the original seal is not intact, option 1 should be left open confirming:
a) the consignment did not undergo any handling other than unloading, storage and reloading;
b) the unloading and re-loading of the products of animal origin and composite products was handled hygienically to avoid cross contamination;
c) the products of animal origin and composite products were stored under hygienic conditions and at the required temperature for the relevant types of goods;
d) effective measures were put in place to avoid the contamination of the products of animal origin with disease agents which cause transmissible animal diseases listed in of Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 during the unloading, storage and re-loading in the third country;
e) the place of any unloading, storage and re-loading in the third country was not subject to animal health movement restrictions due to transmissible animal diseases listed in of Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 during the unloading, storage and re-loading in the third country.]
• If the containers or packages have an intact original seal, option 2 should be left open confirming:
a) the transport has taken place under conditions appropriate for the type of products of animal origin and composite products,
b) and the contents of the consignment were not altered during the transport
It is critical to note that only of these options can be left open; please delete or strike through the option which does not apply when completing the form.
• A RE-IMP4 if applicable
• In some circumstances additional documents may be requested by Animal Product Imports
RE-IMP-2 Declaration of owner or representative of owner: return of products of animal origin and composite products for commercial reasons (other than following refusal of entry by a third country)
A declaration of the competent authority of the place of destination in the Union that they agree to receive the consignment is required for animal products that are not returning to the establishment of origin.
This declaration is not required where the consignment returns to the establishment of origin.
RE-IMP-4 for animal products not returning to the establishment of origin
• Pre-notification directly to the competent authority at the BCP of re-entry 24 hours in advance via DAFM's Imports Portal .
• Pre-notification to the Border Control Post (BCP) of re-entry 24 hours in advance by submitting part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P) on TRACES NT .
required for each consignment or partial consignment being re-imported.
• The consignment may only enter Ireland through an approved Border Control Post (BCP) designated for the type of product in the consignment. The list of designated BCPs can be found here .
• The consignment must undergo a documentary and identity check, and a physical check if appropriate, in a Border Control Post (BCP).
• The competent authority at the border control post of arrival shall monitor the transport and arrival of the consignment to the place of destination as indicated on the CHED and the licence, through Part III of the CHED.
• Provided the consignment passes the controls at the BCP, the consignment must then be returned directly to the establishment of destination as indicated on the Vet14 licence and on the CHED (monitored to destination)
• The operator responsible for the consignment must notify the competent authority (CA) of the arrival of the consignment at the establishment of destination on the CHED as soon as possible and within 24 hours of arrival.
• For products of animal origin, the seal should not be broken on the consignment until it is inspected by an official from the CA.
• Following inspection of the consignment, the CA must complete part III of the CHED to finalise the monitoring to destination. This part must be completed within 15 days of the arrival of the consignment at the establishment of destination.
• The Competent Authority (CA) as stated on the VET 14 that is responsible for the establishment of origin must examine the consignment and make a decision on the consignment’s future permitted use.
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